America's greatest enemy

Ancient Troy.  Ever wonder about the internal discussions that went on in that city and civilization when The Horse showed up outside its gates?  The Trojans had just survived a multi-year war and were emerging victorious, with the besieging Greek forces divided and demoralized and ready to head home.  In Troy, one can only guess at the level of acrimonious discussion about whether to take the supposed equine present into the city.

Is it too much of a stretch to say today's conservatives (the real ones) would be advising against opening the gates, while our leftist overlords would be extolling bringing the wooden equine in?  Doesn't bringing The Horse inside the gates sound a bit like open borders, or sucking up to China, or castrating your military's fighting spirit and resources, or kneecapping your industrial and manufacturing base, or stoking racial upheaval, or brainwashing our children?

So were Troy's greatest enemies Greeks?  Or were they Trojans — specifically the feckless morons (AKA "useful idiots") who said, "Open the gates"?  Now jump forward to America: is the greatest enemy of the United States the CCP or Vladimir Putin, or is the corporate boards of Google, Facebook, Apple, Disney, Progressive Insurance, and other "woke" corporations; the NBA and professional sports generally; Hollywood; the mainstream media; the typical university administration and faculty; the school boards in any Democrat municipality; most of organized religion's prelates; and last, but not least, the Democrat party?

After watching my country gutted for over a year by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, where should my anger turn?  To Xi Jinping and the CCP?  Or to Anthony Fauci and the biomedical "swamp" who seem to have made the research possible?  Or to the New York Times and Washington Post (and NPR, ABC, etc.) that ridiculed Senator Cotton, President Trump, and Secretary Pompeo every time they suggested the Wuhan Virological Institute as COVID's source?  Xi Jinping is basically like the leopard who comes into my house and attacks me because someone left the front door open.  Should I be angry at the leopard or at the people who opened or dismantled my front door?

Americans of 2021 are like the catatonic millions of The Matrix who, if offered the chance, would lunge at taking the blue pill and stay in their comas.  After all, they do it nightly as they read their copies of the Times or the Post, or turn on NPR, CNN, ABC, etc.  They were just on the receiving end of biological warfare, and they yawn!  (And if you think it wasn't war, reflect on the CCP's decision to continue Wuhan-to-Milan nonstop flights, while shutting down Wuhan flights to the rest of China — a fact!).  They pathetically bear little resemblance to those who died at Lexington and Concord, Normandy, or the Chosin Reservoir.

As of this writing, over 600,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID.  That number far exceeds American military deaths in World War II.  Many of those who died did so in absolute aloneness.  One can only be left to wonder at the absence of national outrage.  If you are still capable of feeling it, I would simply advise you to target your outrage not at those who made The Horse, but at those who, in the broadest sense, open our gates.

Image: The Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo.

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