Dow Chemical is boasting — about how woke it is

The wokeness infecting major American corporations needs to be exposed wherever possible.  It's important that Americans know how leftist college grads occupying management positions in these organizations are steering them away from their purposes and turning them into idealized college campuses, complete with a focus on diversity, systemic racism, sexism, yada, yada, yada.  The latest example comes from Dow Chemical Company.

Dow is one of America's classic corporations.  Herbert Henry Dow, a chemist, founded it in 1897, and it quickly became known for its diverse products and its competitive instincts against the big British and German chemical companies.  It's had some misses over the years (Napalm, Agent Orange, leaky silicone breast implants, tax evasion charges, price-fixing, etc.), but it's still responsible for incredibly important products in what remains of American industry.  Dow also introduced consumers to Styrofoam, Saran wrap, Ziploc, and Scrubbing Bubbles, although it sold all of those products to S.C. Johnson & Son in 1997.

That serious company is nowhere evident in the most recent newsletter Dow sent to those who are on its recruitment mailing list.  The first paragraph of the email makes sense for serious science types contemplating a lateral move from their current place of employment to Dow:

We're interested in how science can enhance people's lives. That can mean discovering a new material, or working with our customers to apply fresh thinking to the world around us. It can also mean using science to build an exciting career–with the opportunity to explore, exchange ideas, and make a meaningful difference on global challenges. We thank you for your continued interest, and we want to learn more about your passion, expertise, and experience. Can you see yourself on the team?

From there, things quickly go downhill.  After boasting that "Dow is a 'Great Place to Work®,'" the email gets down to the nitty-gritty: not top brains, not the best labs and facilities, not attractive salaries and benefits.  It's all about diversity. There's the emotional message from "A.N. Sreeram, / Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Executive Sponsor of AND":

Can we change the world if we listen? It's a good place to start. We can do this one person at a time. When we're at the design table with our customers, it starts with listening. Listening sparks an understanding of needs and challenges. We break free of old ways of thinking. Listening elevates our understanding, so we can take action.

As the executive sponsor of Dow's Asian Diversity Network (ADN), I see the power of listening. It opens eyes, changes minds and builds allyship. Keenly listening to the voices of those who have AAPI heritage is especially important today. In 2020, hate crimes against people of Asian descent increased 150% in the United States and also was observed in other parts of the world.

May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Every year, this is an opportunity to listen and learn about the diversity within the AAPI communities and to celebrate, embrace and stand with the AAPI community here at Dow and beyond. This year, AAPI Heritage Month takes on new resonance.

No one should fear violence because of what they look like or what part of the world they or their families come from. That's why Dow people are working with ADN to take action through the Dow ACTs. The framework seeks to holistically address racism and inequality through Advocacy, Community engagement and our own Talent pipeline.

We started by listening. Across Dow, we've launched tough but needed conversations. These listening sessions have addressed model minority stereotypes and highlighted the wide-ranging diversity among people of Asian heritage. They also have linked the latest violence against the AAPI community to a long history of discrimination in the United States, dating back to the first immigrants. Change begins by being heard and understood.

Then the regional news from North America boasts about sustainability and equitable opportunities (emphasis mine):

"I welcomed the opportunity to share my strong belief that we can only create future-proof buildings by placing sustainability, energy efficiency and people at the heart of design, with the support of creative minds," said Alberto Mercati, Marketing Fellow, Dow Polyurethanes, of the Manni Group Design Award.

The international architecture contest looked to Detroit, Michigan as the host for this year's challenge.  As sponsors of the award, we were thrilled to discover how young architects from around the globe imagined the dynamic center of attraction for the great city of Michigan.

*Supporting STEM learners with online learning during the pandemic*

Recognizing that educators need extra resources during this challenging time, Dow has engaged on many fronts to support virtual learning.  An example of these efforts is providing financial support toward the expansion of free chemistry learning resources – including virtual labs, tutorials and simulations – to high schoool teachers and students through Carnegie Mellon Univeristy's (CMU) Open Learning Initiative (OLI).

"Dow is committed to the promotion of STEM education and creating equitable opportunities for students," said *Dave Parrillo*, vice president of R&D at Dow and an executive sponsor to CMU.  Learn how Dow was able to help teachers effectively make the leap and transfer real-world learning to a virtual world by clicking here.

We've long known that the liberal arts were lost to the leftists.  Dow's newsletter indicates that the Marxists are marching through STEM as well.  As my friend said:

Historically, Dow has been one of the major science innovators that has indeed materially contributed to human progress. Let me restate that — science has materially contributed to human progress. CRT/wokeism/anti-racism training and the CEO telling me (in an earlier emailed newsletter) that they're gay and married to a man, doesn't solve a single damned technical problem, nor will it. Ever.

Bottom line: FAIL.

It won't happen overnight, but when the current technical staff retires, what kind of innovated, competent, technically minded person would be motivated to join this stuff? Surely not me.

Image: Dow logo.  Public domain.

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