Fauci cashing in with book to be published in November

Even a slender volume (80 pages) can make millions of dollars for the man who has become a cult figure to Trump-haters when sold for 18 bucks a copy.  The National Pulse reports, and Amazon confirms that Dr. Anthony Fauci will be selling a book to the public next November 2 (in time for the Christmas buying season), titled, Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward, all of 80 pages long and selling for $18 a copy in hardcover.

Here is the blurb from Amazon (emphasis in original):

In his own words, world-renowned infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci shares the lessons that have shaped his life philosophy, offering an intimate view of one of the world's greatest medical minds as well as universal advice to live by.

Before becoming the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and America's most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci had already devoted three decades to public service. Those looking to live a more compassionate and purposeful life will find inspiration in his unique perspective on leadership, expecting the unexpected, and finding joy in difficult times.

With more than three decades spent combating some of the most dangerous diseases to strike humankind-- AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19--Dr. Fauci has worked in daunting professional conditions and shouldered great responsibility. The earnest reflections in these pages offer a universal message on how to lead in times of crisis and find resilience in the face of disappointments and obstacles.

Sure to strike a chord with readers, the inspiring words of wisdom in this book are centered around life lessons compiled from hours of interviews, offering a concrete path to a bright and hopeful future.

It sounds to me as though Fauci is preparing to retire or lose his job and submitting his version of reality to a public already becoming skeptical about the man whose flip-flops and "noble lies" are finally catching up to him, eroding the secular sainthood conferred upon him by the agitprop media.  Even so, there are enough devout believers in the fantasy world offered by the media that Fauci will make millions of dollars from his 80 pages.

Via Amazon.

The book's cover is a fascinating straddle: is Fauci putting on or taking off his mask?  Given his record of lying and flip-flopping on whether to wear masks and how many to wear, visual ambiguity is the only way to go.

If you hate Trump, you probably love Fauci.  No need for an inflated advance payment, though I am certain Fauci got a handsome sum.  He's been made a cult figure, and the evidence that he evaded federal restrictions via funding cut-out nonprofits to award money for gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology will not be enough to dissuade the true believers on the left.

The publisher is National Geographic, the tax-exempt organization that lately seems to have bought into global warming and other aspects of the progressive cult.  Amazon's page offering the book for pre-publication sale reveals that one of the three books most viewed by those visiting Fauci's page is Anita Hill's forthcoming autobiographical book, Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence, with yet another cult figure of progressives used to attack a conservative hero, Clarence Thomas.

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