Nickelodeon is paying a price for its LGBT proselytizing

Nickelodeon always had edgy cartoons for the older set (see, e.g., Ren and Stimpy), but there was a time when you could rely on it for sweet, simple programming aimed at pacifying the three- to five-year-olds while Mom tried to get dinner ready.  Of late, though, Nickelodeon has been bringing that edginess to the preschool set, culminating, this year, in the station's going all out to ensure that the pre-kindergarten crowd learned about pansexuals and the magical LGBT rainbow.  It must have come as a surprise to the woke college graduates staffing Nickelodeon that parents dislike the new pedophile-esque edge to the programming, because the cable channel, a Viacom flagship, has seen a 70% drop in its audience in just four years.

In the past few years, it's become impossible to miss the fact that the month of June is now dedicated to "gay pride."  When advertising in America and Europe, every corporation shows its love for all things LGBT with rainbow logos and gushing affirmations.  (The same businesses are way less proud in Muslim countries.)  Nickelodeon, however, has gone the extra mile.

First, Nickelodeon used Blue's Clues & You, a program aimed at preschoolers, as the basis for a video in which Andrew Levitt, a singularly untalented man who prances about in a crude, mocking stereotype of femininity named "Nina West, sings a graceless song about a cutesy gay pride parade.  Those little ones who watched the video got to learn about lesbians, gay men, asexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, and transsexuals.

Despite getting ratioed out the wazoo (meaning people loathed the video), Nickelodeon was back again in a week with another video featuring Andrew Levitt.  This time, Levitt introduced the young'uns to the gay pride flag, which has morphed from a rainbow into a singularly ugly mishmash of multi-colored lines, circles, and triangles.  The tuneless Levitt introduced the rainbow colors as symbols of virtue (life, healing, sunlight, etc.), with the new colors embracing pure sexual concepts — transgender and "queer and trans people of color."  Apparently, racial segregation is a "thing" in the LGBT community.

All of this was on top of the fact that Nickelodeon announced that its rebooted Rugrats will have a lesbian mom.

I found the whole thing offensive.  It smacked of grooming.  But then again, I'm a conservative, right, so what do I know?

Well, it turns out I know a lot, according to Pirates and Princesses, a Disney-themed news site.  It turns out Viacom is suffering compared to Disney+ because parents don't like having children's TV sexualize their children:

Since July of 2017, Nickelodeon's viewership has dropped from 1.3 million average viewers per week to a June of 2021 average of only 372,000. In only four years, Nickelodeon has dropped more than two thirds of its audience. That is catastrophically bad for the cable channel, but with cable on the way out, maybe it's not so bad? The catch here is that it is, in fact, that bad and perhaps worse, simply because Nickelodeon seems to be the primary driving force behind new subscribers to Paramount+.

Nickelodeon's catastrophic collapse is an excellent reminder that the forces driving American politics, entertainment, and business do not represent ginormous chunks of America.  Even hip, leftist parents, unless they're this guy, aren't going to be happy when a television station forces a parent to answer a 5-year-old asking "Mommy, what's a pansexual?"

Just keep in mind that people with normal ideas (and yes, it's completely abnormal to have a drag queen proselytize about aberrant sexual behavior to small children) have commercial power in America.  And if we can draw back from the Democrats' push for institutionalized election fraud, we have political power, too.

Image: By Andrea Widburg, using public domain images.

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