The case for Congressman Trump

John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States, serving for one term from 1825 to 1828.  After being defeated by Andrew Jackson in 1828, Adams fell into a funk, refusing to attend his successor's inauguration. 

But that was not the end of his story, and his gloom soon dissipated.  Fortuitously, Adams was urged by colleagues to represent Massachusetts in Congress.  Against his family's wishes, Adams successfully won and represented various Massachusetts districts from 1831 through 1848.  In 1848, on the floor of the House, Adams suffered a stroke; he died two days later. 

Adam's service was illustrious and exemplary: he advocated passionately and relentlessly against harsh laws punishing runaway slaves, working tirelessly for slavery's abolition. 

One does not have to suspend one's belief to see a clear path for President Trump winning an election to represent a Florida congressional district.  Half the country would be in exultation; half would join Joe in his underground bunker, while the Democrats' rioting thugs reflected their true concerns for America. 

In his article "Will Trump run in 2024? A fascinating clue from Don Jr.," Thomas Lifson sets forth a credible scenario in which Trump is keeping his options open, while a possible presidential successor, Florida governor Ron DeSantis, proves his bona fides.  If no messy skeletons jump out from DeSantis's closet, he is a dream presidential candidate: brilliant, patriotic, practical, and empathetic.  Should that come to pass, Trump would give another gift to America. 

Reimagining is the word of the moment.  Let's reimagine Congress with President Trump as a member.  It is axiomatic that he would rise quickly to top leadership positions, one would hope to Speaker of the House. 

Trump's positions on America First, energy independence, jobs not welfare, and diversity through inclusion would once again be expressed and attained.  Support for Israel would not be doled out with ropes and anchors attached, but with appreciation for the one democracy in that part of the world who is also America's faithful friend and ally. 

There might even be a return to the concept of diversity as a melting pot, rather than the current odious tribal competition for gain through some other group's loss. 

It would also be the ultimate revenge for all of us who have endured the utter unfairness of the baseless lies, ugly unfounded attacks, and the multiple attempts to destroy Trump — a truly great and consequential president. 

Image: National Archives, White House.

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