The evils of our 'new' racism

The night before last, Tucker Carlson was talking with a man from Buckhead, the expensive north side of Atlanta.  They discussed the alarming increase in crime, random shootings, beatings, and violence in that neighborhood.  I listened carefully and didn't hear Tucker, or his guest, mention the suspects' race.

They also discussed the fear that Buckhead's hamstrung police carry with them, that they'll be blamed if something happens (i.e., if the police shoot somebody).  They talked about the mayor's instructions not to give chase.  They showed a video of a drive-by shooting that happened in front of a couple of police cars, something that could not more brazenly thumb criminals' noses at the cops.  The police didn't chase the shooters.  Instead, they gave assistance to the victims, which, I guess, isn't a bad thing, despite doing nothing to deter crime.

In 2021, simply because their race wasn't mentioned, the only thing we can conclude about these violent shooters, stabbers, and beaters is that they are all Black men.  Tucker and his guest circled race like a hot potato.  And they didn't outright mention that the victims of the shootings, stabbings, and beatings were White.  That night, they couldn't bring themselves to state the whole truth.  (In the same way, the local paper in Austin, Texas refused to state the race of two shooters there on Friday.)

Last night, Tucker got more specific and far braver.  He opened his show with a picture of Justin Tyran Roberts, a Black man who had randomly shot five men in Georgia and Alabama.  He was targeting Whites, according to the detective on the case.  "Basically, [Roberts] explained throughout his life, specifically White males had taken from him," so he wanted to get even.

Roberts is mentally ill, but he reflects today's zeitgeist, which is an alarming trend to condone violence against Whites because of our skin color.  This is something American Whites have done to themselves, by bending over backward, trying to keep the peace.  By accepting the BLM, defund the police, and "pigs in a blanket" rhetoric without a murmur of objection.  This is the monster leftist Whites created by giving voice to the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.

What kind of disaster are leftists courting, when they demand collective guilt, obeisance, and mea culpas from Whites while glossing over violent actions by Blacks?  It was instructive that, on Monday night, Sean Hannity's guest was an escapee from North Korea, who couldn't stay quiet — she had to point out that the way we're acting and the things they taught her in her Ivy League college are the exact same type of things she was brought up with in her homeland and that she moved mountains to escape.

Desensitizing is the first step.  Progressives do it by teaching kids that being White is being the oppressor, which makes all the kids hate Whites.  It also makes the White kids hate not only other Whites, but themselves.  They will want redemption and can achieve this by turning against family, friends, Whiteness, and becoming hateful themselves.

Empathy for anyone with pale skin will become an unpardonable wrong.  No matter that some of us are born that way.  Pale skin is evil, guilty, oppressive, racist skin.  You hear it said again and again, from "psychologists," from city leaders and politicians, and from "teachers" and school administrators.

According to the left, Whites are the colonizers, are the evil slave-owners, and the oppressors.  No matter that there is still slavery in Africa and in the Middle East.  That's just an inconvenient truth.  No matter that over two million White boys and men joined the Union Army, fighting to free the Blacks in this country from ever being slaves ever again.  No matter that the "melanin gifted" population among us have better and longer lives than their African counterparts, that they have the freedom to make of themselves that which they desire, and that "the man" doesn't keep them down nearly as well as they do themselves.  No matter, for that matter, that America has had a Black president, twice, and Black politicians lead cities and towns all over the country.

Despite all that, Whites Americans purportedly are "systemically" racist.  It's baked in the cake, irrefutable, and the perfect excuse to commit violence against anyone who is White, simply because he is White. 

This type of thing has happened in a few places already, and the results aren't pretty at all.  Listen to that pretty girl from North Korea when she speaks.  If this trend is allowed to grow and ferment even more here, in America, the results will be more violence, more hate, and more division.  Better watch your back, Whitey!  Better speak up now, before it's too late.

Toby Ranley is a pseudonym.

Image: Fox News.

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