Governor Abbott was not kidding about another session

Here we go again.  The legislators are back in Austin and Governor Abbott has a full plate for them:   

We are hearing a lot of reactions to this menu.  The Democrats are angry because they believe that this is all 2022, and there is some truth to that.  Indeed, the governor is running for re-election, after all.  The GOP is thrilled that "youth sports" is on the agenda.  The translation of that "boys playing on the girls' team," a topic that puts a lot of Democrats on the defensive with Hispanic parents.

We will see how it all goes.

I would like to see three issues on the table.  First, pass the "voting law" finally.  Second, Texas should force kids to play based on their sex, not their latest feelings.  Finally, the session needs to add the topic of "power grids," because we need more capacity, from power plants to nuclear energy.

Last, but not least, the governor will be in the news, and that's not bad for a man considered by many as presidential material.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Office of Governor Greg Abbott.

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