I remember when we learned math to get ahead in life

To be honest, I hated math.  It was my least favorite subject in school, and I took the required courses to graduate.  During one frustrating bout with my math homework, my teacher gave me a motherly look and said: "I know you hate this, but someday you'll have to balance a checkbook and appreciate it."

Well, my ninth-grade teacher was right.  I did need math to keep my checkbook in line.  It also came in very handy when I was calculating baseball averages.

So I told my sons to shut up and do their math because it was important.

Over in California, the teaching of math has taken an interesting turn.  This is the story:

The California Board of Education will not implement its newly proposed mathematics curriculum after critics argued its racial equality components would "de-mathematize math."

The Mathematics Curriculum Framework is expected to be postponed for 10 months, until May 2022, after a board meeting vote on Wednesday.

"California is on the verge of politicizing K-12 math in a potentially disastrous way. This postponement means the State Board of Education has heard the message loud and clear. STEM leaders don't want California students left behind by introducing politics into the math curriculum," said Dr. Williamson M. Evers, a senior fellow at the Independent Institute, in a statement following an open letter he pinned to California's education and political leaders.

California students left behind?  Liberals using math in a potentially disastrous way?

Thank God that someone in California understands that math is the last place in the school curriculum to live out your CRT fantasies.  We need young people who can compete in an international marketplace where math is math not something else.

Cheers for Dr. Evers!  I'm glad there are sane people still living in the Golden State.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image via Needpix.

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