Iran's criminal president

August 3 marks the inauguration of Ebrahim Raisi as Iran's eighth president.  His designation as the president comes with a dark history of human rights abuses.  According to Amnesty International and the United Nations, Raisi was involved in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 Iranian political prisoners.  Khamenei had to use the Guardian Council apparatus to disqualify all other presidential candidates and pave the way for Raisi.  This decision marks the beginning of the end for a fanatical and backward regime.

A group of U.S. congressmen sent a letter to Joe Biden calling for the formation of an international committee to discover the truth about Ebrahim Raisi's human rights abuses.  In part, the letter states that Ebrahim Raisi has committed serious human rights abuses against political opponents, journalists, and anyone else who has dared to oppose him.  The letter was signed by Steve Cohen, a Democrat, and Tom McClintock, a Republican.

We live in a world that will go through massive social and economic changes for many years to come.  Innovation, digitalization, and the global internet will make science and knowledge available to everyone globally and will produce new relationships among countries.  No country can remain in isolation.  The relationship between the United States and China will be very complicated and significant in the coming decade.  Iran's relationship with the world in general and the European Union, in particular, will be significant because Europe and the Middle East play a vital role in the future of humanity.

Former Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi shared his experience with the Iranian government in his speech at the annual Iranian Resistance Summit, held virtually in 2021.  "I traveled to Tehran as a member of seven industrialized countries," he said.  "I tried to negotiate with the people involved in the 6 + 1 talks, such as Europe and the United States, to reach an agreement against access to the atomic bomb and the previous tensions [with Iran].  We worked hard to achieve consensuses, but I realized with sadness that we have failed.  We were not the cause of the failure.  Without the elimination of dictatorship, religious or other kinds, it is impossible to achieve democracy and democratic values."

He believes that our world must first and foremost reject religious tyranny.  Otherwise, talking about democracy and values is useless.

For years, Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian opposition, has been saying that the international community is facing a test.  Will the European Union accept that Iran's authoritarian theocracy is alien to the values of this world and can no longer enter that new world order?  The regime has deprived the world of Iran's rich history and culture.  But for years, the United States and the international community have adopted a policy of appeasement for the Iranian regime, allowing the mullahs to play their destructive and counter-value role in the international community and spread terrorism in the Middle East and around the world.

Will Raisi be admitted to the United Nations as a national leader, or will he be tried in a court for crimes against humanity?  Raisi is a criminal due to his involvement in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988, killing more than 1,500 young insurgents in November 2019, and the torture of thousands of other young people in prisons when Raisi was head of the judiciary.  Will the U.S. opt to close its eyes to Raisi, in defiance of its own democratic values?

Image: Bockopix.

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