Maybe the anti-Trumpies should ask for a refund

For some time, we've heard that New York is investigating the Trump Organization.  Well, I have to believe there are a lot of people wondering why they invested themselves in another anti-Trump fantasy.

This is how Howard Kurtz reported the story:

I'm not trying to minimize the tax charges against Trump company executives. Weisselberg is alleged to have avoided taxes on $1.7 million in "indirect employee compensation" over 15 years — which would amount to about $900,000 in fraud. The organization itself was accused of failing to withhold taxes on those amounts. Weisselberg was also accused of hiding his New York City residency and of not declaring payments for beds, TVs and carpeting at a Florida home.

Still, such matters are usually dealt with in a civil suit. If you're guilty, you pay a big fine and repay the back taxes you avoided. Company lawyers said they couldn't find a previous criminal case of this nature.

So the limited nature of the indictment will fuel accusations by Trump and his allies that the prosecution is purely political. Vance, the son of a former secretary of State, is a Democrat, and so is state Attorney General Letitia James, who won election vowing to go after Trump.

The media are utterly enthralled by this case. We saw that with a series of potentially illegal leaks: Weisselberg could be charged this summer. Weisselberg could be charged next week. Weisselberg will be charged Thursday! (The sealed indictment was actually handed down Wednesday night.)

A company statement called Weisselberg, whose annual salary and bonuses were $940,000, a "pawn in a scorched-earth attempt to harm the former president."

Is that all there is?  Is this a rerun of Rachel Maddow and her famous Trump tax return story?

In short, it's hard to believe that Mr. Weisselberg did this for fifteen years and no audit picked it up.  My guess is that these tax returns are prepared by well paid CPAs who know the tax rules inside and out.  Why did this transaction suddenly become important now?

What's really behind this investigation is a state out of money and Democrats looking for a distraction.  They want to talk about Trump rather than figure out how they are going to get people to stay, or come back to, New York.  In other words, this Trump investigation is more about New York than President Trump.

Like Russia Russia, this latest Trump investigation will explode in their faces.  My only question is when will the left ask for a refund?  They've already stopped watching CNN and MSNBC!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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