The case for conscription

When Israel became a country in 1948, it implemented conscription for all persons turning 18.  It seems to have worked well.  Everyone who turns 18, both male and female, is conscripted for a period of time.  The length of service has varied over the years but, currently, males serve 30 months and females 24 months.  There are certain exemptions for mental or physical disabilities, as well as religious grounds.  Of late, it appears that the exemption for religious reasons is under review.  Druze and Circassians (males only) are also conscripted.  Arabs are exempt, but they can volunteer.

About a third of Israeli women avoid conscription for religious reasons.  Orthodox Jews have sought exemptions for years, but it has been met with resistance from the government.  Hasidic Jews claim that their religious studies are critical for the continuing preservation of the religion and do not want to serve in the defense of Israel.  As of 2017, there were about 80,000 ultra-orthodox Jews who claimed to be studying full-time and therefore exempt from service in the IDF.

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) staffs its military with these conscripts.  There are three categories: career, (permanent) reserve, and regular.  About 68% of military specialties are available to females.  However, only a small minority of women serve in combat roles.  If a woman marries during her service in the IDF, she is released from her duties and responsibilities.  It is the belief of the government of Israel that the conscripted service in the military builds national identity, patriotism, unity, and a sense of readiness. 

South Korea has also had conscription for military service since 1957.  Only males are required to serve, and the conscription is for between 21 months and 36 months.  The system varies and is similar to Israel, but some of the terms of the service differ.  Males in South Korea who are fit for service must serve, or they are jailed.  Some exemptions are given, but they are difficult to get.  Some men can choose when to begin active duty, and a lot do two years in college before opting for the active service.  The South Korean birth rate is shrinking, and there is consideration now for beginning to conscript females.

This might be a good option for the United States to begin to turn back the tide of the brainwashing that the colleges and universities inflict on America's students.  A break in the left-wing indoctrination of the education system may be just what the country needs.  A strong military history education during conscription as well as a few courses on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights might go a long way for turning the tides of socialism and the lurking communism in our society today.

It would be good timing to begin this service upon graduation from high school.  Higher education enrollment would suffer for two or three years, but that may be a good thing.  Doing real work and jobs would be an epiphany for many of the snowflakes.  Being without a cell phone and computers for most of the days would bring reality into their worlds.

Image: Public Domain Pictures.

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