The commissioner of Baseball and the other man-made problem

We must be living in the age of man-made problems.  First, President Biden and the border.  Second, MLB commissioner Manfred and the 2021 baseball season.  In both instances, a weak leader couldn't say no to the activists screaming in his ear.  So we got an unprecedented mess on the border, and nobody watched the All-Star Game in Denver, which garnered "profoundly horrible" ratings — the second-lowest in history.

We can't do anything about President Biden until the midterms of 2022.  We can check him with a strong GOP Congress, but he will still be in the Oval Office for a while.

The MLB commissioner is another story.  He should be dismissed immediately because moving the game to Denver got a bunch of devout fans like me to turn off the game. 

The TV ratings will not please the folks at MLB negotiating with the networks.  This is from Joe Concha, who loves baseball but hates "woking the game" as much as I do:

President Biden jumped on the boycott-Georgia bandwagon as well, falsely claiming that the state's law ends voting hours so working people can't vote.

"What I'm worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It's sick. It's sick … deciding that you're going to end voting at five o'clock when working people are just getting off work," Biden told reporters at his first press conference on March 25. That claim was met with no pushback or scrutiny from the few reporters chosen to ask questions in the room at the time.

"Among the outrageous parts of this new state law, it ends voting hours early so working people can't cast their vote after their shift is over," Biden also said in a statement on March 26. 

The Washington Post fact-checker promptly awarded Biden its worst judgement, "Four Pinocchios," for lying to the American people.

No matter: The MLB and Manfred panicked and packed up to move the game from Atlanta's Truist Park to Coors Field in Denver. Wokeness won the day — but one has to wonder whether MLB feels major league remorse over its decision.

Businesses in Cobb County, Ga., which were already devastated as a result of the pandemic, lost at least $100 million collectively in tourism-induced business when the game was moved. Cobb County is a majority Black community, while Denver decidedly is not.

Bang-up job, MLB! A grand slam of utter incompetence!

Yes, Stacey Abrams got to Mr. Manfred, and a lot of businesses in Atlanta are now wondering why.  Furthermore, Hank Aaron's widow was in Denver rather than Atlanta, where the late Hall of Famer hit #715 one night many years ago.

The MLB owners have a choice.  Fire the commissioner and bring in someone who cares about the game.  My choice is Nolan Ryan, but he may not want to leave his ranch in Texas.  Ironically, baseball has a crop of young and very marketable superstars but nobody is watching because the commissioner couldn't tell "the wokes" to leave baseball alone.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

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