Complexity hides corruption; simplicity exposes it

Politics hide corruption in complexity. Congress passes bills of thousands of pages and the implication and damage are hidden until the effects are made part of what must be dealt with on a daily basis.

Our legal system has become a corrupted labyrinth of exclusions and exceptions with confusing motions filed by both sides as cases move through the system. The final judgments make us scratch our heads wondering how they came to a judgment. We do not know because the process is so complex that only one with special knowledge can understand how the judgment was reached.

The battle against COVID-19 has become a battleground of complex ideas ranging from treatments banned for political reasons to a vaccine that may be the salvation of humanity or a death jab that will kill more people than the virus. Between the extremes are governments and businesses using force or coercion to get people to get the vaccine. There are competing and confusing reports about how well masks work, the perfectly exact distance to socially separate, and whether the entire hunkering down in isolation is effective.

We are bombarded with numbers and statistics that do not make sense. Cases are counted without a clear definition of what constitutes a case, we count positive tests with a test that is unreliable enough that it will not be used after the end of the year, and deaths with COVID are counted along with deaths from COVID.

It is confusing for a reason. The complexity hides what they are doing or the results they are trying to achieve. People generally do not have the time and inclination to wade through complexity to discern the truth. Most will just muddle through, accepting what seems reasonable and just trying to make their lives livable. These are just a few examples. There are many more.

Within the confusion, occasionally something simple will intercede and throw a spotlight on the corruption. Our elites will scramble to obfuscate the simplicity so that the roaches can again hide, but some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.

These illuminating events of simplicity are not common. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was such an event, as was the attack on The World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. While the planning behind both attacks was a complex series of events, the attacks themselves were not complicated. We understood what had happened in a moment with great clarity.

Simplifying events need not be negative. When our astronauts landed on the moon, it was the culmination of years of work with a simple-to-understand conclusion.

In our complex world, simple events that create common understanding are rare. This is particularly true for the events that expose corruption or incompetence. Our leaders make great efforts to make their actions complicated and beyond understanding. When these simplifying events occur, they usually come out of nowhere. Everyone is surprised by the sudden illumination of that which was previously hidden. The actors scurry for the cracks and crevices and will try to create confusion around what we have clearly seen. It is too late. The stark reality is seen, and they cannot hide.

We find ourselves at the remarkable convergence of three simultaneous clarifying events. We do not yet know how these will play out, but we are living them now. We see them, and we understand them because they are simple. We know about the corruption that created the events that cannot be unlearned.

1. Schools teach White children that they are evil racists and teach minority children that they cannot succeed on their own because of the system.

2. Inflation is real and it costs more to live.

3. Americans are trapped in Afghanistan under Taliban control.

These are clarifying events because they are immune from spin or obfuscation. They are instantly understandable. Politicians and the media will attempt to build narratives to try to get us to stop believing our lying eyes, but it will not work. The events are important events for understanding our challenges. No information is needed except that they exist. They are recognized instantly as harmful or morally wrong. Most important, the simplicity means that the people responsible cannot hide.

This is how the battle can be fought and won. Parents who go before the school boards and insist “You will not teach my child that he is a racist” or “How dare you say my child cannot do something because of her race” elicit a broad agreement. These simplifications are true and they do not hide behind a title or theory. They are instantly understandable. Similarly, the increasing cost of living or the situation in Afghanistan is not complicated to understand. They are stark truths that cannot be hidden. Simplicity defines the point of attack and makes the situation indefensible.

The opposition’s own incompetence and corruption gave us the gift of a simplified battlefield. Everyone will know and understand. The simplified truth exposes the corruption. The corruption we battle can no longer be hidden.

Image: Labyrinth by Svilen Milev.

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