The elites sniff up their noses at England's Freedom Day

"Screw your freedom," said Arnold Schwarzenegger to all the "schmucks" out there who are thus far unvaccinated.  No wonder they called him "The Terminator."  But he's not the only one who wants to terminate our freedoms, preferably permanently.

This past July 19 was Freedom Day in England — the day when the English could (but did not have to) throw off their masks, return to their beloved pubs, stop avoiding other human beings as if they were starving and possessed cannibals, and reclaim some of their God-given liberties.  A great day, no?

Certainly not for those intent on keeping their boot on our necks for perpetuity.  The Prophets of Doom, the Dr. Fauci–worshipers, elite evangelizers of virtue-signaling and mental masturbation, and assorted other would-be tyrants were anything but happy about the prospect of such a day.    

Twelve hundred "experts" signed a letter predicting that Freedom Day would have a devastating impact on the entire planet.  Naturally, the media loved this, championing the missive.  For example, the headline in the Guardian was, "England's Covid unlocking is threat to world, say 1,200 scientists."  In truth, Freedom Day — like freedom itself (for the little people, the rubes in flyover country) — has a devastating impact only on "experts" and elites.

Christina Pagel, of London's University College, summarily dismissed the impending glee felt by many ordinary English subjects by decreeing that, to her, it all "feels quite s---."  (Terse, if not Churchillian.  But turnabout is fair play, Ms. Pagel.  People like you have made the rest of us feel crappy for a long time now.)  Pagel said of the allegedly surging delta variant, "It's more infectious, it's more severe and it's more vaccine-resistant."  (Much like Critical Race Theory, Marxism, and other abhorrent ideas currently in vogue on college campuses and in Silicon Valley.)  She added that Freedom Day is a "terrible plan."

Pagel was one of 122 supposedly "expert" signatories to a letter describing Freedom Day as a "dangerous and unethical experiment."

Turns out, the experts and elites were wrong about Freedom Day.  Really wrong.

Daily coronavirus cases in formerly Jolly Olde England plummeted from about 42,347 on July 19 itself to around 19,012 on August 3, more than two weeks later.  England has experienced a drop in the number of coronavirus infections — and relatively low levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths — since its Freedom Day celebration.  That is, indeed, cause for celebration.  But not for global elitists and "experts."

To the minds of those who wish to enslave us, freedom is always a "terrible plan," and a "dangerous and unethical experiment."

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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