'A sea of misery of biblical proportions'

"A sea of misery of biblical proportions" is how Steve Bannon described the humanitarian crisis on the southern border.

Within hours of his inauguration, President Biden stopped the building of the border wall and made it clear to all comers around the world that our border is open.  He invited all those migrants who have arrived from all over the world to enter what the left swears is an irreparably racist nation.  Hmmm.

The nearly twenty thousand Haitians now baking in the Texas sun were invited, too.  More are said to be on their way.  Babies are being born in what is a nightmare of "Bidenvilles," our very own refugee camps with all the filth and hunger that implies.

Most of those stranded there paid the cartels thousands of dollars to get here; the women and girls are routinely sexually abused on the journey and in the camps.  Over a million people, 200K per month, have entered the U.S. since Biden took office; who knows how many escaped notice, the "gotaways"?

As press secretary Jennifer Psaki confirmed, these migrants are not tested for COVID, nor are they required to be vaxxed.  The American citizens of Del Rio, the Texan town under siege, are quarantined if they test positive, but the illegal aliens are free to spread out into the interior of the country at taxpayer expense.  The same goes for the soon-to-be hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees who are being brought here unvetted, unvaxxed, un-COVID-tested.  They are bringing diseases long ago eradicated here in the U.S.

There are hardly words to adequately describe the damage done to America since Biden took office, both here and among our soon-to-be former allies.  It sure seems as though he is doing China's bidding.  He gave up Bagram Airfield, one of the largest and most important for American security, and left $90B's worth of high-tech weaponry to the Taliban thus, creating the biggest and best-armed terrorist state on the planet.

He may have committed treason with those ill-conceived moves as well as by opening the border.  What does Blinken care about?  If the Taliban government will be "inclusive and diverse."

It seems as though every member of this administration is both malevolent and incompetent, a lethal combination of character traits.  Biden, Harris, Blinken, Sullivan, Mayorkas, et al. are all mediocrities who have no business running anything, let alone the U.S.  Between the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Mogadishu on the border, they all have much blood on their hands.  And having promoted the Camp-of-the-Saints invasion on the southern border and the complete takeover of it by the drug cartels, they are responsible, too, for the flood of Chinese-made fentanyl that is killing millions of Americans and the horrific abuse suffered by those girls and women who embark on the journey.  Again, these people are truly malevolent and incompetent.  They do not care about the lives they are destroying, those who have come hoping for permanent residence in the U.S., and those whose towns and cities are being overrun by migrants determined to stay no matter what crimes they may feel entitled to commit. 

"When one with honeyed words but evil mind
Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state." 

The damage done to this country from the moment Biden took office is too terrible to contemplate.  He has purposefully ended the energy independence Trump had achieved.  He ended the sanctions on Russia re: Nord Stream.  He has encouraged migrants from all over the world to come; no COVID conditions are required or noted, no vetting.  The border is a free-for-all nightmare for those being overrun and for the migrants themselves.  Women are giving birth in the most unsanitary conditions imaginable.  Biden wants amnesty for them all upon entry.

Biden is by design importing what the left believes will be a permanent Democrat voting bloc.

What else explains the administration's obsession with vaxxing all Americans, even those with natural antibodies?  Perhaps the COVID fear porn is all about culling the population, as Dr.Michael Yeadon has been warning for over a year.  What could be better for the Democrats than to replace an independent, freedom-loving population with millions of illiterate humans from the Third World?  These arrivals will provide cheap labor for our largest corporations, will take the taxpayer-funded benefits they expect and have been promised, and leave the American middle class as bereft as the former middle class of Venezuela is bereft.

That is their plan, and they are sticking to it.  Sadly, the Republicans in Congress are, but for a few heroes, a waste of the space they were elected to fill.  Clearly, Biden deserves to be impeached for his numerous high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated upon the American people, but the Republicans sit on their hands, hoping their boat won't be rocked, that their privilege will not be disrupted or their access to wealth interrupted.

In these past months, the Biden administration has created many "seas of misery," the cataclysm at the border being only one of them.  The situation in Afghanistan is easily as horrific as what is happening here; the deaths of those thirteen young soldiers are on him, as are the deaths of the people killed in the botched drone strike.  Hundreds of thousands of businesses have been shuttered.

As Biden mandates vaccines for all and urges discrimination against the unvaxxed, hundreds of thousands of vaccine-related deaths and injuries are occurring, but news of them is suppressed.  Biden-caused inflation has made gasoline, meat, and other food necessities unaffordable for millions of Americans.  Several of our allies have been ill-treated to the point of estrangement.  Foreign terrorism has been reinvigorated and armed.  One wonders if the people who engineered Biden's illegitimate win in 2020 are proud of themselves.  Do they actually think their Cloward-Piven tactics will leave them unscathed?  They probably shouldn't rest on their laurels just yet. 

"You only have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power — he's free again." —Alexander Solzhenitsyn. 

Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk have made obvious their contempt for the American people and their willingness to strip them of their constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.  They seem unconcerned by our contempt for them, but they are surprised by our resilience.  It is true that far too many of us have succumbed to their carefully contrived fear of COVID, but people are waking up to their duplicity.  The fact that these hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees are arriving without any COVID restrictions says it all.  None of this is about anyone's health.  It's all about power and control.  May the left soon find itself in a sea of misery.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

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