And now for the refugees

And now for Chapter 2 — the refugee story.  Over the weekend, I heard someone on TV talking about Europe potentially flooded with new refugees.  He based his prediction on what happened after President Obama left Iraq and unleashed ISIS, whereupon thousands got to Europe any way they could.

Maybe it won't happen the same way, but refugees are coming, as we see in this BBC report:

Thousands of people are scrambling to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban seized back control of the country, almost two decades after they were ousted by a US-led coalition.

The United Nations has warned that up to half a million Afghans could flee the country by the end of the year and has called on neighbouring countries to keep their borders open.

The current crisis comes on top of the 2.2 million Afghan refugees already in neighbouring countries and 3.5 million people forced to flee their homes within Afghanistan's borders.

At the moment, the exact numbers are unclear — but we do have some detail on how many people have been airlifted out of the country.

The US says it has facilitated the evacuation of more than 110,000 people from Kabul airport, currently the only operational one in the country, since 14 August — although it's not clear how many of those were Afghan nationals.

The UK Ministry of Defence says it has flown out more than 15,000 of those people and some 8,000 of them were Afghan nationals.

What happens now?  I don't know, but it will be interesting.

Back in the late 1970s, many Vietnamese, and later Cambodians, fled Southeast Asia and came to the U.S.  Over the years, these arrivals became very successful business owners, and their kids are often at the top of the public school classes.

What about now?  Let's wait and hope for the best...but the refugees are coming.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: E.U. Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

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