Biden Afghanistan debacle has made entire world less safe

President Biden has been in office less than a year and is putting out a new fire almost every month.  How many more will there be?

Most of the difficulties at the core of Biden's domestic problems have been self-inflicted.  Starting from day one of his presidency, his flurry of executive orders immediately declared war against American energy independence and our southern border and foolishly sought to rebuild the relationship between the United States and the controversial China puppet, the World Health Organization (WHO).

Some of Biden's more spectacular early failures can be attributed to his so-called "Build Back Better" economic plan that has fallen flat in Congress, and to the failings of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as the U.S. suffered a flurry of cyber-attacks against, among others, Colonial Pipeline and one of the country's major food suppliers, JBS.

But as bad as all the aforementioned incidents are, they truly pale in comparison to the crisis and associated human suffering occurring in Afghanistan as a result of the president's desperation to claim victory in declaring America's involvement in the Afghanistan War over.  Sadly, his desire at all costs to meet a symbolic deadline on or before the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks actually allowed for the meaningful date to represent a victory for the enablers of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil.

One of the most pathetic displays seen over the past several weeks was Defense Department spokesman John Kirby's inability to answer a question related to the number of Americans trapped behind enemy lines.  The press conference created the appearance optics that portrayed an America that would readily abandon its allies and was negligent in its responsibility to provide for the safe transfer of its own citizens out of a raging war zone.  As a result of this, some of America's enemies have begun to promote the idea of our decline as the world's greatest superpower.

Over the past several weeks, China, which is America's top rival, seized upon the opportunity to use its state-controlled media to attempt to shame the U.S. while simultaneously using its superior military power to intimidate Taiwan.

The Chinese Communist Party–controlled Global Times media outlet called the Afghanistan pullout "a heavy blow to the credibility and reliability of the U.S.," while Taiwan reported in the last week an incident involving Chinese military jets, including fighters and nuclear-capable bombers, entering its airspace.

Maybe the most inexcusable part of this all is the fact that the Biden administration has now fortified the evil forces that we went to war with 20 years ago to destroy.  Whether it was by design or not, the Biden administration is directly responsible for handing a weapons cache worth nearly $90 billion to the Taliban.  This happens as an al-Qaeda presence continues to grow in Afghanistan and other terrorists groups are present, too.  According to an unclassified report from the United Nations released earlier this summer, there are al-Qaeda terror cells in at least fifteen provinces in the country.

This also puts global terror power Iran in a favorable position, as it has now gained an even more powerful ally with a well equipped military, thanks to the Biden administration's fumbling of the situation.  For months, Iran has been surpassing the uranium enrichment limits that were set for the country by the international community.  Even worse, the emboldened Iranian regime claimed in July that it could enrich uranium to weapons-grade, or 90%, purity.

This poses grave danger to the United States, Israel, and Europe as another resurgence of global terror attacks, possibly even involving nuclear weapons, may materialize over the next few years.

This puts Iran in a very different situation from what it was in just about eleven years ago, when the military hack that is generally considered the first shot fired in the ongoing global cyber-war — 2010's Stuxnet attack — took down Iran's nuclear program.

Have we hit rock bottom yet under Biden?  Can it possibly get worse?  Well, unfortunately for Americans, we have well over three years left to answer those questions.

Julio Rivera is a business and political strategist, the editorial director for Reactionary Times, and a political commentator and columnist.  His writing, which is focused on cyber-security and politics, has been published by websites including Newsmax, Townhall, American Thinker, and BizPacReview.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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