Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed

Perhaps, at long last, the deadly reign of Anthony Fauci will come to an end. That’s because The Intercept, a hard-left publication, has revealed 900 pages of government documents definitively proving that Fauci used his position to fund gain-of-function research into bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”)—and then lied to Congress about it.

Since February 2020, the wizened Fauci has been the face of the government’s response to the pandemic. In the ensuing 20 months, Fauci was frequently wrong, incredibly arrogant, and deeply dishonest. Because he was the anti-Trump, though, we were stuck with him. Democrats, especially, appreciated how he dismissed treating COVID with time-tested and affordable medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and, instead, insisted on masks, lockdowns, and mandated vaccines.

In July, during a Senate Health Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul (R. KY) directly accused Fauci of using his position to fund illegal gain-of-function research at the WIV. The Hill, which reported on the hearing, assured its readers that Paul was making “an unsubstantiated accusation.”

Fauci came out swinging in response to Sen. Paul’s accusation. “Senator Paul,” he said, “you do not know what you are talking about.” He also said, “If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.”

You really need to watch this and, as you listen to Fauci, remember that money is fungible and that insights gained from one area of research can easily be applied to another. Fauci’s gift of American funds made the WIV richer and better able to create Frankenstein viruses:

That, of course, is how sociopaths lie—with verve and assurance. Because, in their own conscienceless brains, they are always in the right, whatever they need to say to defend themselves is their truth. People with morals and a conscience can’t do that.

The Intercept aggressively attacked Sen. Paul after the hearing. Glenn Greenwald, who founded The Intercept and then got the boot for being insufficiently totalitarian, posits that it was then that the outlet sought to bolster its attack on Rand Paul by filing a FOIA request against the National Institutes of Health.

What happened, instead, was that The Intercept received over 900 pages of documents showing that it was Fauci who lied. Richard E. Ebright, a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers, summarized what those documents revealed:

Sen. Rand Paul used Twitter to take a well-deserved victory lap:

Last year revealed to Americans that our most lauded experts are idiots and, in the case of Fauci and Collins, highly culpable, dishonest idiots. Everything they told us has been proven wrong, from COVID’s origins, to the lockdowns and masks, to the attacks on affordable early treatments, to the vaccines’ safety and efficacy.

We’ve also learned that all Democrats and some Republicans who have political or administrative power will abuse it. Democrats also weaponized COVID to corrupt our elections and saddle us with a corrupt, senile president who has opened America’s borders, destroyed her economy, creating a glide path for Islamic extremists to come here, degraded America’s standing in the world, handed power to the Chinese, and, in all probability, will give a nuclear pass to Iran.

Assuming America survives as a democratic republic operating under our Constitution, Americans must take stock of everything they’ve assumed since the Cold War’s end. Here are some of those lessons:

  • Cultural Marxism is the road to totalitarianism.
  • Democrats are fascists under Mussolini’s ultimate definition of fascism: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
  • The tech tyrants must be reined in for they are the primary vehicle through which Democrats implement fascism.
  • The mainstream media, which collaborates with the tech outlets, is another fascism facilitator. Ditto Hollywood.
  • Almost all American schools, whether K-12 or colleges and universities, do not educate, they indoctrinate.
  • Borders matter.
  • Scientism, which is a form of blind worship, is entirely different from science, which is a methodology using reproducible experiments to prove theories that are never immune to challenges.
  • Government must be radically downsized to preserve liberty.

And one more thing: Dr. Fauci needs to go to jail for the rest of his life because, through his funding illegal gain-of-function research, followed by his non-stop stream of dangerous lies, he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands. Francis Collins can be his cellmate.

Image: Fauci lying to Sen. Rand Paul. YouTube screen grab.

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