If your employer demands you vaccinate, don't quit

There is a news report that the Lewis County General Hospital in upstate New York will stop delivering babies after September 24.  This is because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over the COVID vaccination mandate.  The hospital's chief executive officer, Gerald Cayer, said 165 hospital employees have yet to be vaccinated and that they make 27% of the hospital's total workforce.

Stories like this are (or will be) repeated all across the country.  And it will not just be hospitals that will be affected.  Any company ordering vaccination faces a similar labor problem.  As it is, many businesses are having trouble finding workers.  Resistance to the vaccine mandates will make this worse.  Parts of the economy could grind to a halt, proving that there is power in just saying "no."

If I were in a situation where my employer demanded I be vaccinated, I would not quit or resign.  Instead, I would make my employer go through the effort of firing me.  I'm not a lawyer, but I feel that this might provide a legal advantage down the road.  And if a company purges its unvaccinated employees but exempts some who are in critical high-skill positions, this opens up more legal avenues.  Also, many companies have policies on severance packages.  If fired, demand your full severance.  If you don't get it, threaten to sue.  Whether the company honors its policy or not, demands for it add to the push-back against the mandates.  Every little bit helps. 

Many will get vaccinated because they need their job.  That's understandable.  But there are others who have more flexibility.  A critical mass of them is all that's needed.  The idea is to make the vaccine mandates as difficult as possible to enforce.  If enough people resist, the vaccine mandates fail...as they should.

Image: Triggermouse via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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