Parts of Australia lapse even further into a dystopian COVID reality

In Australia, specifically in the populous states of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria, COVID tyranny has become so intense that these states seem like something out of an over-the-top Hollywood movie about a dystopian future.  Meanwhile, Australia's prime minister, Scott Morrison, when speaking at the U.N. General Assembly last week, waxed rhapsodic about his nation as a bastion of individual liberty.  Something's deeply wrong Down Under.

In a nation with almost 26,000,000 people, only 1,200 have died from COVID.  Presumably, the tyrants at the top are congratulating themselves on this low number, but the nation has paid a terrible price for its manic and impossible effort to reach COVID ZERO in an interconnected world.

In light of all this, it's supremely ironic that the Australian nation began as a British prison colony.  As Simon Black writes:

Clearly in 2021, Australia has simply been returning to its roots as the world's largest prison.


Over the course of the last 18 months, Australia's state and federal governments have:

  • Banned citizens from leaving the country without permission.
  • Banned citizens from entering the country, with threat of five years in prison.
  • Banned citizens and residents from crossing state borders.
  • Banned citizens and residents from traveling further than 5k from home without permission.

Ironically, an Australian government website lays out citizens' "right to freedom of movement" and says that this very basic human right "cannot be made dependent on establishing a purpose or reason for leaving."

But Australia doesn't have to follow its own rules, nor care about the human rights of all the little people, because it's an emergency.

In the name of COVID Australian police and government officials have also:

It is also now illegal to plan, publicize, or participate in protests.

A YouTuber took parts of Prime Minister Scott Morrison's boastful U.N. speech and juxtaposed them with images from Melbourne and Victoria.  The images are horrifying, not because you're seeing blood, dismemberment, beheading, but because they show police forces brutally attacking citizens for trying to walk on the streets.

Given that the video shows COVID tyranny, you won't be surprised to learn that if you wish to watch the video, you must go to YouTube and sign in to prove that you're an adult.  I can't even embed it here.

The message on the video itself states, "The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.  Viewer discretion is advised."  Again, what's apparently offensive is the sight of Aussie police acting like Kim Jong-un's private force against Australian citizens who dare to challenge their government.  While YouTube censors dissent left and right, at least in America, we still have a Constitution, which Democrats hate, that keeps our own Democrat-run governments from copying NSW and Victoria.

Meanwhile, in NSW, the despotic premier, Gladys Berejiklian, warns that even when the endless lockdown ends, people who are not vaccinated will continue to be treated as second class citizens — forever (emphasis mine):  

Under a roadmap to exit lockdown in Australia's biggest city, unvaccinated people are already subject to delays in freedoms that will be gradually granted to inoculated residents between Oct. 11 and Dec. 1.

Berejiklian said people who choose not to be vaccinated could be barred entry to shops, restaurants and entertainment venues even after the state lifts all restrictions against them on Dec. 1.

"A lot of businesses have said they will not accept anyone who is unvaccinated," Berejiklian told Seven News on Tuesday. "Life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely."

I stumbled across this sad photo of a father and son, both Australian, who died in WWI and WWII, respectively:

Back then, the Australians were known as tough people who faced life challenges with fierce resolution, and who had the confidence of knowing that they were the descendants of the centuries-old British tradition of individual liberty.  I very much wonder what those men, if they could talk, would think of their ultimate sacrifice now.

Image: Australian police attacking citizens.  Twitter screen grab.

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