Updated: Speaking of big lies...

Following the Arizona audit and recount in Maricopa County, the public is constantly told the big lie is that there wasn't any fraud, or reason to question anything about the 2020 election. It’s as if many state bureaucrats didn’t willfully violate state laws when they changed election rules. No one should even question universal mail-in voting or states stopping the counting on election night for no reason, along with the specter of seeing counting resuming and the vote-count leader switching. The media isn’t even curious because their chosen one had won and that is all that matters.

Here is a truncated list of big lies that most of the media, along with other Democrats,  have continually peddled as they campaign for radical leftists and their agenda to remake or destroy America:

Requiring a photo ID is racist.

Having any limits on mail-in voting is racist.

Not allowing 24-hour voting is racist. (this never happened before 2020 and only in Houston for one day but somehow it is racist to stop it)

That the U.S. has been systemically racist for 400 years. This would be a surprise to all the people from around the world who continually fight to come here.

That the border is closed!

That enforcing immigration laws that Congress passed is racist.

That in Del Rio, Texas, the border guards were whipping illegal aliens which is supposedly worse than slavery.

That sanctuary cities and states care about abiding by laws.

That we will not leave Afghanistan until all Americans and American helpers are out.

That the Taliban is different now and professional and businesslike.

That the Jan. 6 Capitol fracas was worse than 9-11, worse than the Civil War, and a threat to democracy. The Justice Department fought hard to keep the public from seeing footage that was mostly peaceful and weapon-free. The tapes are out, and the media is burying the story. They must keep the lie alive because, otherwise, the Democrats have nothing. 

That riots and violence caused by radical leftist groups throughout the country were mostly peaceful. (For some reason, the Justice Department has little to no interest in these criminals).

That Trump supporters are white supremacists and a much greater threat than terrorists.

That Trump said that he supported white supremacists when he spoke in Charlottesville. The media allows Biden and others to continually repeat this lie to gin up racial hate and division.

That there's any truth to the “Hands up don’t shoot” lie. How many cops have been injured or killed because the media and other Democrats regurgitated this lie?

That people who wanted to see if the Wuhan lab was the source of COVID were conspiracy nuts.

That Dr. Anthony Fauci was telling the truth when he said we didn't fund the Wuhan lab and gain of function research

That the virus wouldn’t pass human to human.

That New York's pervy Gov. Andrew Cuomo was the gold standard for handling COVID.

That the lockdowns at schools and businesses, the six-foot spread between people, that the virus easily spread off surfaces, and that plastic separators rules were based on science instead of just made up?

How many children were harmed because of the rules that kept them out of schools? Why do the CDC and other Democrats base their rules on what their special interest groups want instead of what is best for the children?

How many children have died from suicide and drug overdoses, compared to few deaths from the virus, because the CDC and politicians catered to unions instead of caring about the children? How many people have started drinking too much, suffered depression, and gotten fat because of the dictatorial rules that were not based on science?

That Trump colluded with Russia. This was a known lie from the start, but it was used for years to destroy Trump and his associates. The media is burying the story that Hillary's attorney lied to the FBI and that the FBI used this known lie to investigate Trump. 

That the Hunter laptop story was Russian disinformation. The media has always buried the stories of Clinton and Biden family corruption because they don’t care about anything but power for Democrats. They certainly never cared about all the women and girls the Clintons, Weinstein, or Epstein abused as they protected Bill and Hillary.

That the Justice Department is independent and honest, and no one was or is above the law under Obama and Biden. This is one of the biggest lies of all. How many people died from drug overdoses and terrorism because Obama dictatorially ordered the Justice Department to let drug-running terrorists run free because Obama cared more about a deal with Iran than the people of the U.S? Why don’t journalists and other Democrats care?

That the Benghazi deaths were caused by a video instead of terrorists.

That with Obamacare you could keep your doctor, keep your pan, premiums would drop substantially, taxes would not go up for people making under $250,000, and not only would Obamacare pay for itself, but it would also lower the deficit. All were known lies when it was passed.

That Biden is a moderate and that when he was elected the adults would be back in the room.

Biden is spreading the lies that his radical leftist slush funds would pay for themselves and no one under $400,000 would see their taxes raised.

That Trump’s tax cuts only benefitted the rich, did not pay for themselves, and that the rich don’t pay their fair share.

That there was no intent when Obama’s IRS violated the constitutional rights of Obama opponents.

That any restriction on abortion is extreme and anti-woman while pretending that late-term abortion and letting fully developed children die after a botched abortion are perfectly acceptable.

That the Earth is warmer than ever, and the icecaps will soon be gone. This lie has been around for 100 years.

The droughts, floods, and storms are worse than ever. 

That global warming is caused by humans, fossil fuels, CO2, gas-powered cars, etc. There is zero proof of these lies but they are widely repeated with no evidence. 

That China, Russia, Iran, and others care about reducing their carbon footprint.

The lies and policies surrounding climate change and global warming will destroy the U.S economy, especially the poor and middle class, and will make the government more powerful. That is the goal.

I am sure that the public can think of many more lies that have been spread for years to intentionally mislead the public into voting for Democrats who pretend they care about the poor, women, and minorities.

The media acts like they are special, that they want to unite the country, and that they only care about facts. Yet, for decades they have willingly spread lies (Democrat talking points) as they played the race, sex, and class cards to gin up hate and division.

There is even a provision in the $3.5 trillion slush fund, that the media is campaigning for, to give kickbacks to media outlets for journalists.

Democrats’ push for $50,000-per-year journalist tax credit sparks GOP ‘media collusion’ accusations

Wonder why.

Update: TheRightScoop has a jaw-dropping series of tweets by Grabien founder and editor Tom S. Elliott showing even more big lies from the press -- such as these.

He has tons more. Read the whole thing here.

Image: Pixabay, via Needpix / Pixabay License

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