The August Biden malapropisms

We all know what a "Bidenism" is — any dumb thing President Biden says or does.  A Bidenism can be any verbal tic, spastic stutter, or lie.  "Malapropisms" are in a subset of the larger subject of Bidenisms.  Malapropisms occur when Biden misuses a word, using a word that means something very different from what he really wanted to say.

And so here they are — the Malapropisms of August.  All dialogue guaranteed verbatim, and I can provide time-stamped video links to every single one of these.

  • ...they're spending the most powerful message to their families...
  • ...Our own Department of Energy pioneered and transformed the battery industry, where Barack and I w-w-went into offer, when we were in office...
  • ...Jill & I would never have thought, we'd have to join you, the Capitol Rotunda, not once but twice.  Once, to iron — to honor Officer Brian Sicknick, who lost his life...
  • ...Those of us been around a while, we knew his dad, knew his dad well.  He was Secretary a the United States — Sergeant-at-Arms in the United States Senate...
  • ...It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated I know I've said that constantly, and others have as well.  The vaxation of the unvaccinated... 
  • ...Thank you, man; you're a helluvan assalete...
  • ...Hi-speed Internet — gonna be available and affordable everywhere, to everyone, so farmers nationwide can get the breast prices for their products at home and abroad...
  • ...We started off the intercontinental railroad, in the late eighteen hunerds; all all kidding aside, we leak the coast...
  • ...That's why, I've instructed the Federal Drug Administration to get these genetic drugs to consumers...
  • Cleaning up and calfing capping the orphan wells.
  • We've trapped uh we've tapped additional aircraft from the Department of Defense.
  • ...My national security team and I have been closely monitoring the situation on the ground in Afghanistan and moving quickly to execute the plans we had put in place to respond to every constituency, including — and contingency — including the rapid collapse we're seeing now...
  • ...Like their fellow brothers and sisters, who've died, defending our vision and our values, and the struggle against terrorism, of the fall on this day, they're part of a great, noble company of American heroes

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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