The vaccine's final regulator

The FDC recently approved the Pfizer shot for use.  The regulatory body has deemed it safe and effective.  But that is not the only regulation that should be used for this vaccine.  There is a far more important one, handled by the final regulator, the individual.

In a free market, there are two types of people: the consumer and the producer.  Most people are both types (but not everyone, unfortunately).  As a consumer of a product or service, I want the producer to "sell" me his product.  I want him singing its virtues, telling me how it sparkles and shines and is pretty and if I consume it, I will be happy.  I want him on his hands and knees, begging me to purchase it, pleading for me to voluntarily give up my money for his product or service.

The exchange must be voluntary and of both parties' own free will.  This ensures three essential things for the consumer: usefulness, quality, and a reasonable price.  Say someone is selling me a candy bar and it will give me an energy boost, is made with the finest ingredients, and costs $1,000.  Well, I'm not buying.  But what if it cost a buck and will give me an energy boost, but the seller isn't even sure what all the ingredients are?  Nope.  Sorry.  Forget it.  Or what if the candy bar costs a buck, has the finest ingredients, and will give me an energy boost, but I'm ready to go to sleep?  Well, it's not useful at this moment — pass.

When third parties (e.g., government) interfere with this final regulation via taxes, incentives, manipulation, coercion, and outright force, then the producer does not have the incentive to adhere to those three essential things.  Why worry about price when the consumer isn't paying?  Why worry about quality when consumption is mandated?  Why worry about usefulness when a third party can add artificial incentives that have nothing to do with the product itself?

The problem with the COVID vaccine is that final regulation is not being carried out.  For the consumer, the cost is free upfront (actually, the cost is hidden; one way or another the consumer pays all, either directly or indirectly via taxes, etc).  The usefulness is ill-defined and enhanced with artificial incentives such as the right to travel or go to a show.  Neither of these has anything to do with the usefulness of the vaccine itself for the consumer.  As for the quality of the product...well, no one literally knows.  The short-term safety studies have been insufficient, and there are absolutely no long-term studies.

Bottom line: As a final regulator I would not take the vaccine off the shelf and carry it up to checkout of my own volition.  I am far from being "sold."

Image: Max Pixel.

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