Biden has nominated an anti-gun activist to be solicitor general

Joe Biden nominated David Chipman, an anti-gun fanatic, to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (although, thankfully, he withdrew); Tracy Stone-Manning, an ecoterrorist to head the Bureau of Land Management; Kristen Clarke, an openly anti-White racist and anti-Semite, to lead the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division; and Rear Admiral Ann Phillips (ret.), someone with zero shipping experience, to serve as the next U.S. Maritime Administration administrator.  That's why it shouldn't come as any surprise that his nominee for solicitor general is a fanatical anti-gun activist who participated in the simultaneously abusive and farcical Mueller investigation.

The National Association for Gun Rights sent out a press release detailing the problem with Elizabeth Prelogar:

The National Association for Gun Rights is opposing the nomination of Elizabeth Prelogar to the office of Solicitor General.

"Elizabeth Prelogar represented radical gun control group 'Everytown' and clerked for anti-gun Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan," said Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights.

The Solicitor General argues the government's position on cases before the Supreme Court, and as such, should fight for the Constitution, including the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

The office is so powerful that the Solicitor General is sometimes referred to as the "Tenth Justice."

"Given Prelogar's history advocating for organizations opposed to the Second Amendment, there is no way any U.S. Senator who supports protecting and restoring the Second Amendment should vote for her. If she's confirmed as the next Solicitor General, her tenure will be an unmitigated disaster for the Second Amendment," said Brown.

It's not just Prelogar's opposition to the Second Amendment that is a cause for concern.  Immediately after her nomination, Ken Sondik wrote at the Spectator that she is a solid partisan leftist when it comes to every hard fought matter in today's political world:

Until her nomination last week, Prelogar served as Joe Biden's acting solicitor general. In this capacity, she's signed off on a number of the administration's destructive policy decisions, including asking the Supreme Court to cancel arguments on a case involving the Remain in Mexico Policy, which the High Court surely would have upheld.

Prelogar is no moderate. In 2020, she teamed up with the ACLU to sue Idaho over its Fairness in Women's Sports Act, a measure that prevents biological boys from participating in girls' sports.


Being a left-wing culture warrior may not disqualify Prelogar. But, being a member of the Mueller investigation certainly does. Prelogar was one of the many partisan Democrats Robert Mueller recruited for the independent counsel investigation — a main chapter in the Russia collusion farce. She served as an assistant special counsel to Mueller.

Sondik reminds us that Mueller's team knew immediately that the Russia collusion charges against Trump were baseless.  Nevertheless, the team, including Prelogar, spent two years and tens of millions of dollars to "investigate" nothing, destroying many lives and careers along the way (including prosecuting Gen. Michael Flynn), as well as continuing to hamstring a duly elected president.

RINOs in the Senate (Romney, Sasse, and others) can be expected to join with Democrats to confirm Prelogar to the solicitor general's position — and that's just wrong.  To the extent that Prelogar promises to be a disaster for constitutional rights and the rule of law, the onus of this nomination should rest entirely with the Democrats.

Image: Elizabeth Prelogar (edited in befunky).  YouTube screen grab.

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