McAuliffe is reading Biden's polls

For the record, Virginia has disappointed me before.   So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for good news next month.  Maybe President Biden's problems will help us in Virginia, according to Paul Beddard:    

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s once seemingly easy path to a historic second term has gone off the rails with President Joe Biden’s sinking popularity, forcing the Democrat to scramble to get voters out.

Just weeks after McAuliffe said he’d like to campaign every day beside Biden, his campaign is distancing itself from the White House with the expectation that he can win the race against GOP businessman Glenn Youngkin on his own.

According to the aforementioned article, Mr. McAuliffe admitted in a Zoom interview that Biden is not helping him.

Youngkin is still the underdog here.  But I like his chances for two reasons:

First, Democrats pay gasoline prices too.  They go shopping every week and get hit by inflation.   The latest gasoline prices are at a seven-year high.  

Second, these Democrats in Virginia are no different than the 80-million something who voted for Biden.  They may have checked the Biden box but it was all about Trump.   Biden does not have that base of voters who are willing to walk on fire or pay gasoline prices to support him. Attorney General Merrick Garland is not helping McAuliffe either.  

Last, but not least, a friend from Virginia told me that McAuliffe was a bad choice for Democrats.  He is not that popular to begin with and was banking on the "D" next to his name to get by.   Maybe this is why he's been under 50 pct for some time.

My money is on Youngkin.  

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: HomeAid Northern Virginia

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