Newsom's tyrannical, irrational attack on California children

California voters had a chance to get rid of Governor Gavin Newsom, their COVID tyrant.  They chose not to do so.  Since his victory, Newsom has come for the children.  First, he signed (rather than vetoed) laws ensuring that parents cannot know whether their children are having abortions or messing with their sex.  And on Friday, he issued a mandate declaring that all California children 12 and over, whether attending either public or private school, must have a COVID vaccine (with the mandate extending to kids five and up as soon as possible).  If parents had any doubt, it's now certain that children in leftist states belong to the government, not their own families.

The new laws are absolutely clear about the fact that a child's life-altering decision to have an abortion or begin the chemical and surgical process of superficially altering his biological sex is one that involves the child and adults other than the parents:

The first bill, AB 1356, will create new offenses arising from recording or photographing patients or providers within 100 feet of the entrance to a reproductive health services facility. The other, AB 1184, will keep patient information confidential for patients who are not the primary policyholder for their health insurance. Healthcare services that patients can keep confidential include "reproductive health care and gender-affirming care," according to the governor's statement.

Children are the state's property, and as far as the left is concerned, the family is an impediment to full state power.  Every Marxist tyrant has driven wedges between parents and children.  In leftist totalitarian states, children are encouraged to spy on their own parents.  I'm sure that will come.  For now, it's enough to ensure that, for the most deeply personal, not to mention physically and emotionally dangerous, decisions a child can make, the parent is left out of the loop.

Abortions and fake sex-change procedures (because a person's sex never really changes) aren't sufficient reminders of the state's control over children's bodies.  Therefore, on Friday, Newsom mandated COVID vaccines for all children, 12 and older, who aren't homeschooled (which encompasses most California children):

Under the mandate, the COVID-19 vaccine will be added to the list of other compulsory vaccinations required for schooling such as vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella. Newsom said that parents can claim religious and medical exemptions. 

The new mandate will be phased in through two phases: One for children grades seven through 12, and another for kindergarten through sixth grade. The requirement takes effect once the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval for specific age groups, the governor's office said. The office estimates that children grades seven through 12 will have to be vaccinated by July 2022, while the kindergarten through sixth grade timeline is more nebulous as the FDA has yet to issue even an emergency use authorization for the vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.

There is no testing alternative to the mandate, and students who are not vaccinated can remain enrolled in independent study but cannot participate in in-person instruction, the governor's office said.

It's important to note that it's a lie by implication to jumble the COVID vaccine in with the ordinary vaccines for things such as polio, measles, mumps, and rubella.  Those are all diseases that affect children most strongly, and the vaccines are known to be effective and have low risks for children.  There's nothing experimental about them.  The COVID vaccine, however, has myriad problems — everything from bad reactions (including death) to myocarditis (especially in boys) to unknown future risks to simply being leaky, so that the disease risk is still there.

Also on Friday, a huge new study dropped in Britain that makes it clear that children simply aren't at risk either of getting or giving COVID.  The study is primarily about the various vaccines' efficacy, but the point about children is an important one:

I'm sure people can and will quibble with the findings regarding the vaccine, but the conclusion that COVID simply isn't a problem for children (or those in contact with them) has been consistent since the virus began.

And speaking of the vaccine and the risks to adults and children from the virus, Newsom has bowed before the powerful teachers' unions and, currently, is not requiring teachers to get vaccinated as a condition for work, even though they're the ones who would arguably benefit from the vaccine.

Because there's nothing as good as a powerful video to remind us how we got to this point and that we must peaceably resist whenever possible because things aren't going to get better, here's a video that, surprisingly YouTube has kept up all day (hat tip: CTH):

Image: Child who got a shot from the CDC.  Public domain.

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