The Southern border crisis is now in your community

The New York Post's October 19 front-page story detailing the planeloads of young illegal migrants being secretly flown into Westchester County Airport has directly and inconveniently brought the southern border story into the wealthy suburban bedroom communities of New York.  It also underlined the increasing ferocity of the progressive left's illegitimate assault on traditional America.

The story is particularly revelatory because illegal immigration has, up until now, not been something that residents of suburban New York, Connecticut, or New Jersey particularly worried about.  But Westchester County Airport is located in Rye Brook, N.Y. and abuts affluent residential neighborhoods in Purchase, N.Y.; Greenwich, Conn.; and beyond.

When the clandestine flights were first made public in August, Democrat county executive George Latimer at first professed ignorance, and the local media were happy to bury the story.  He would only say the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had authorized the flights.  However, the New York Post's new front-page story of the secret, early-morning flights of thousands of illegals, bolstered by multiple photographs, revealed the magnitude of the resettlement activities.

At this writing, Latimer had not released a statement, but the presence of county police at the airport clearly indicates that his administration is aware of the secret flights and resettlement.

Christine Sculti, his Republican opponent for County Executive in the November 2 election, said, “Mr. Latimer has been stonewalling the residents of Westchester County for months regarding their legitimate public health and public safety concerns, as well as the public’s right to know.  I join residents who are rightfully fed up with Mr. Latimer’s failure to stand up to the White House and I consider his failure to safeguard the health and safety of the residents a dereliction of duty.”

Clearly, the secret flights into regional airports were designed as a way for the White House to disguise the large number of illegals being welcomed into this county unvetted and unvaxxed.  Westchester's small, regional airport was a low-key way to disperse the illegal migrants discreetly to unknown locations in the tri-state metropolitan area.

To accomplish their objectives, the federal government and its Westchester County enablers are conducting themselves in ways denied to regular citizens.  The flights land between midnight and 6:30 A.M., when the airport is voluntarily closed during a curfew for commercial flights due to its proximity to residential areas.  The New York Post has tracking data that 2,000 migrants have arrived at the airport on 21 flights since August 8 as well as specific times for the flights.

On October 15, the Post said one bus sped down the Hutchison River Parkway, which bars buses, at more than 75 miles an hour, exceeding the 55-mile-an-hour limit, eventually winding up in Syosset, Long Island, at MercyFirst, a nonprofit sponsored by the Catholic Sisters of Mary.

In addition, Westchester County is using law enforcement to protect the migrants.  The Post reported that Westchester County Police are present when the illegal migrants deplane and are redirected to chartered buses.

Neither the federal government nor Westchester County has indicated the vaccination status of the illegal migrants being flown in.  But the Democrat governors of New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey are demanding that all their legal citizens get vaccinated.  In New York City, people must show proof of vaccination before dining, going to the theater, or working out.

Former Westchester County executive Rob Astorino, a current Republican candidate for New York's governor, commented, "New York's politicians are treating their citizens as if they don't belong here and non-citizens as if they do.  And if you dare question them, they scream racism, because they know their policies are wrong, expensive, and sometimes even dangerous."

Current county executive Latimer has supported special treatment for illegal migrants.  Within months of winning the office in late 2017, he signed the Immigrant Protection Act that limits information county law enforcement will share with federal immigration authorities and bars county employees from asking about a person's citizenship.

Over the last two years, Americans in many blue states have endured an increasing intensity of tyrannical regulations and statutes, while criminals are coddled with special treatment.  In New York, the COVID pandemic coincided with the passage of no-bail legislation, which puts criminals back on the streets to commit more crimes.  Former governor Cuomo and now his successor, Governor Kathy Hochul, put in place mask mandates that continue to this day, regardless of vaccination status or COVID disease levels.  The new governor has now directed state officials, healthcare workers, and police to be vaccinated or be fired.  As a result, hospitals, police departments, and fire departments are losing workers.  The new governor signed the Less Is More Act, which makes it easier to free prisoners and prevents the jailing of convicted criminals for technical violations of parole.

Democrat politicians are intent on abusing law-abiding citizens with mask mandates, firings, and increased crime on one hand, while giving increased leniency and privileges to lawbreakers.

The clandestine flights of illegal migrants into Westchester County Airport, the lack of vetting and vaccination, and their disbursal into points unknown in the New York metropolitan area are one example of an agenda that has violated the normal guide rails of executive and legislative policies.  It is clear that these politicians are so intent on implementing their agenda before they get voted out of office that they care not for the welfare or safety of Americans, nor for the financial burdens their policies inflict.

Revised to add to the statement from Christine Sculti.

Linda R. Killian is a local Republican chairman in New York State.

Image via Public Domain Pictures.

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