What we've lost with the 'new normal'

Pause a moment to reflect on how different things are now than they were just 22 months ago. Back then, we enjoyed a roaring economy, record low unemployment for various demographic groups, energy independence… and took for granted going out to eat, going to a ballgame, or traveling the country. There was a shortage of…shortages.

How quickly things can change. And do.

Then pause a moment to reflect on how different things are now from how they were at the time of the founding.  Today we have grocery stores; high-tech hospitals; planes, trains, and automobiles; electricity; heat on demand; air-conditioning; television; smartphones; "smart homes"; and computers.  And we want to blame the old, white males who bequeathed us all these things.

We have access to everything we "need" on our computer.  "Social" media, games, shopping, "virtual reality," porn.  We don't need to leave our homes or physically interact with others.  In fact, we are told we can't — or shouldn't.  Family, friends, and neighbors are devalued.  Non-essential.  Like our jobs.  Dangerous, actually.  Potential spreaders of disease.

So, we sit in our cozy, temperature-controlled homes, interacting with our televisions, phones, and computers, knowing that the government will take care of the rest.  With the arrival of "virtual" reality, we have lost the ability to recognize actual reality.  And, losing that, we head into uncharted waters with no way to locate ourselves.

When one considers the immense changes wrought by technology, city life, Big Tech/Business/Media/Academia, and the modern Deep State, it is likely no other outcome was possible.  That doesn't make our present situation any more palatable.

The advent of "the Great Reset," and this so-called "new normal," renders us frailer, less devout, and less human.  Instead of being thankful for the dawning of each new day, despite its inevitable hardships, we perversely seek meaning in victimhood, without even understanding what that truly means...ironically and needlessly victimizing ourselves.  Where once we expressed and extolled gratitude, now we reward an attitude of jealously, distrust, division, greed, self-indulgence, license, and self-pity.

The farther we go down this road, the less we remember the old normal, the more desensitized we become, and the less likely we are ever to recover what we've lost and who we were.

Graphic credit: Florian64190CC BY-SA 3.0 license.

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