Must-see Tucker Carlson video about the cause of America's woes

People are beginning to realize that something is wrong with America's ruling class, and by "people," I don't mean people like you, who are actively engaged in politics.  I'm talking about people who want nothing to do with politics or people living in prosperous leftist enclaves who haven't been forced to think about what's happening to less affluent Americans.  To the extent they're sitting up and taking notice, Tucker Carlson's monologue perfectly explains what's going on at the upper reaches of American government.  The bottom line is that Biden knows he's out of control, and, in his fear, he cedes his power to dangerous ideologues.

Regarding the fact that ordinary, apolitical, non-political, or reflexively Democrat people are waking up, I have two brief anecdotes.  I'm a sociable person, and I value friendships, so I have relationships with people who run the gamut both age-wise (young to old) and politically (left to right).

The other day, I spoke with an older friend of mine who is studiously apolitical.  Watching the news depresses her, so she is truly disengaged from the American political scene.  Nevertheless, when I spoke with her the other day — and our conversation usually revolves around the weather, dogs, and other anodyne subjects — she suddenly said to me, "You know, I have the very strong feeling when I look around that America is a nation in decline."  She may not watch the news, but she feels the zeitgeist.

Today, I talked to a young friend of mine, the product of a very liberal college who works at a successful company filled with hardworking, very leftist people.  She's tried to accept the social and political shibboleths of her age and class, but she confessed to me that she doesn't believe in transgenderism, and she's getting very afraid of how censorious Democrats and progressives are against anyone who doesn't agree with them.  "They're really not nice people.  Conservatives are nicer."  This young woman, who's remained silent in the past both because she wanted to avoid politics and because she didn't want to be on the receiving end of cancel culture, has decided that it's time to step up and start pushing back because "if it's bad now, I don't even want to think about how bad it will be later if we don't stop them."  She too feels the zeitgeist.

Tucker Carlson's also been thinking about the zeitgeist, and he's concluded that what's driving Joe Biden isn't dementia but is, instead, fear — raw, palpable fear.  Biden is aware that he's failing, but rather than step away from the White House, he meekly does whatever his handlers tell him to do.  That's where security lies.

Unfortunately, his handlers are unchained ideologues.  A good government tries to benefit its people and ensure the greatest prosperity and happiness for the greatest number.  A government filled with ideologues is so focused on its utopian visions that it is willing to destroy the people to "save" them.

That's why, for example, that despite polls showing that over two-thirds of Americans oppose reparations for illegal aliens, Biden's government is going forward with the plan.  For the ideologues, taking massive sums of money from struggling Americans to give to people who illegally entered our country is a means to achieve permanent Democrat political power and all the wonders it will bring.  Any people who can't appreciate that goal don't matter:

Ideologues have no interest in the lives of actual human being. Ideologues only care about their theories, the bright future they are building. Human beings are just speed bumps on the way to utopia. So, not surprisingly, when ideologues take over society, any society, in any country, at any point throughout history, life always gets much worse for most people. Borders fall, crime rises, schools collapse, inflation gets out of control. Suddenly, there are drug addicts living in tent cities in your neighborhood screaming at your kids as you walked by. Quality of life falls off a cliff. It's intolerable for most people — but the ideologues don't care because they're focused on the shiny new society they are constructing. Nothing else matters. Perfection is always just around the corner. As soon as we get rid of all these White men, everything will be great.

Things are not going to get better in the short term.  They're going to get a lot worse until voters speak out loudly against the madness and politicians (and ideologue-run corporations) really take notice.  Currently, leftists are insane, and, subject to some notable exceptions (Marjorie Taylor Greene being one), Republicans are enabling them.

As my two conversations show, though, the ordinary people, the ones who tuned out of politics a long time ago, are realizing that if they want to prevent America from turning into an apocalyptic hellscape, they need to speak out and act.

Image: YouTube screen grab.

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