My dinosaur-sized bones of contention with the Democrat party

I have a couple of dinosaur-sized bones of contention with the Democrat party.  Bone number one is its obsession with illegal immigration.  Bone number two is the vaccine mandate.

The Democrats' obsession with illegal aliens appears to be the ultimate human capital strategy ahead of canceling student loan debt.  What's a real head-scratcher about this immigration policy is that it has near-unanimous Black support.  Indeed, Black Democrats accepted with little outcry Biden's rapid-fire deportation of 14,000 Haitians.  These Black Democrats are browbeaten by their party to support migratory preference for Latinos over all other immigrants.

A state-sanctioned influx of Central and South Americans inevitably dilutes Black representation in society and at all levels of government — an ominous development, given the relatively recent passage of the Voting Rights Act, which occurred shortly before I was born.

One need not oppose leftist dogma to consider such preferential migration nothing less than systematic disenfranchisement of the Black community.  Additionally, while it's largely a progressive policy, its ranks include the "cheap labor" wing of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

My second dinosaur-sized bone of contention with Democrats is their vaccine mandates.  I grew up during the final stages of desegregation and don't relish anything resembling it.  This explains my aversion to vaccine passports and workplace directives demanding inoculation or termination.  These policies mirror Jim Crow a little too closely in my opinion.  In fact, I unlovingly call these unconstitutional mandates "Germ Crow."

I had a Germ Crow run-in last year at my former job.  Its politburo unilaterally declared I needed a negative COVID-19 test result to return to work after a bad allergy attack.  I was the only person in the building to face this demand despite White coworkers being out sick in droves.  Mardi Gras 2020 had just happened, and with it came the first virus variant.

Image: Illegal aliens heading to America (cropped).  YouTube screen grab.

True to its communist cousins in China using the excuse of COVID to profile Africans, the workplace politburo used a new pandemic to disguise old prejudice toward me.  Progressivism at home and abroad is just the same dictatorship, albeit with different accents.

When it comes to mandates, the accounts from overseas aren't more encouraging.  It's too easy to juxtapose unconfirmed stories from last year about infected Chinese people whose homes their government welded shut, with footage showing months of violent arrests starring Australian police officers.  In a far cry from demoralized American de-policing, cops Down Under are tackling anti-mandate protesters, unmasked pedestrians, and even beachgoers.  England hasn't been as aggressive, but its lockdowns have led to mass demonstrations.

I'm watching international news and seeing worrying stuff about social credit–style segregation, where the vaccinated get privileges denied the unvaccinated, something occurring in both France and Austria.  While we're teetering on the edge of mandate state expansion, many countries in Europe and elsewhere are poised to radically restrict freedom for the foreseeable future.  Warnings about globalists planning world domination don't seem so far-fetched anymore.  Not after the last couple of years.

For the above reasons and more, migratory preference and Germ Crow are my dinosaur-sized bones of contention with leftists.  These "bones" (areas of disagreement) are by no means exhaustive, but I'm not typing an Encyclopedia Britannica–length post.

Suffice it to say, Democrats provide me with endless examples of unacceptable policies.  Forcing my demographic out of now-defunct majority-minority status and forcing unemployment on workers practicing medical freedom forces me to draw harsh new conclusions about the left to add to my old harsh conclusions.

The left's mania for micromanaging our lives is cause enough for wrath.  It seems my list of dinosaur-sized bones of contention with leftists is destined to be infinite.

Cap Black.  Writer/Commentator on Liberation and Liberty.  #ActualSuperHeroForLiberty Advocate.  #HaltHunger Organizer.

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