President Biden is lost everywhere — especially abroad

The Biden presidency has been a failure on many fronts.  Inflation is skyrocketing, and millions of jobs remain unfilled, leading to Stagflation 2.0.

In press conferences, President Biden looks plain lost, if he even decides to show up at all.  Long, drawn-out pauses are common, yet to no dramatic effect.  He slurs his words and stutters through sentences, rambling about a wide range of left-wing policy priorities without ever really explaining the "benefits" or — most importantly — the drawbacks of Big Government.  A Biden press conference is a hodgepodge of random ideas, articulated in juvenile English.

But the problem is most pronounced overseas.  On matters of foreign policy, President Biden never had profound expertise — despite his decades of experience in Washington, D.C. — and he certainly isn't peaking now.  Policy expertise aside, the image of Joe Biden traveling abroad fails to project even one iota of authority, capability, intelligence, power, or strength.  Even in terms of charm and charisma alone, our current leadership is a far cry from the likes of John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan.

This is a president who admits to "clumsy" relations with France, one of America's most important allies.  This is a president who relies on prepared lists of reporters in Italy to answer scripted questions.  This is a president who blames British prime minister Boris Johnson for taking media questions at all.  (The goal is to be handled with kid gloves — don't you get it?)

Most importantly, this is a president who abandoned hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan after a botched withdrawal that left 13 U.S. service members dead.  Those Americans are stranded in a country overrun by Taliban militants — afraid and with little hope, pinning what's left of it on the incompetent administration that left them there in the first place.  Even many Democrats recognize the sheer scale of the Afghanistan debacle, criticizing President Biden publicly for bungling the withdrawal.

The status quo is untenable.  How much faith can Americans and our allies have in a commander-in-chief who cannot even look after his own citizens?

All the while, America's enemies grow more adventurous.  China and Taiwan are on the brink of war.  According to Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, the Chinese threat is rising "every day," and he is urging the U.S. military to help out.  That same China is now mobilizing in Afghanistan, exploiting the American power vacuum and leveraging new Taliban leadership for economic gain.

Then there's Iran, which President Biden has made a diplomatic target, hoping he can revive the disastrous Iran deal.  Yet Iranian-allied militias continue to carry out attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq on a regular basis.  How does a revised nuclear deal — featuring billions of dollars in giveaways to the Iranian government — combat Iranian aggression?

Alas, President Biden is mostly preoccupied with the Democrats' tax-and-spend agenda back home, which sees him appeasing the radical left with a $1.75-trillion social welfare plan that delayed his current trip to Europe.  What's left of the moderate Democratic Party and the "woke" AOC contingent has now spent months haggling over how many trillions of dollars to spend and the exact level of high taxation needed to fund it, at least in part.

The message being sent to the rest of the world is clear: America cares more about socialism than foreign policy.  The Biden administration is more focused on government hand-outs than collaborating with our allies and confronting our enemies.  President Biden is the puppet of the radical left, not the leader of the free world.

We are losing here and abroad, "led" by our hopelessly lost president.

Chad Banghart serves as executive director at the Committee to Defeat the President.

Image: Joe Biden taking a nap.  YouTube screen grab.

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