Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America

Procter & Gamble (“P&G”) is one of America’s largest corporations, with over 100,000 employees worldwide. It is putting a vaccine mandate into place for its more than 26,000 America-based employees, which will require them to get vaccinated, meet a “company-approved” exemption, or take weekly COVID tests. Those employees opposed to the vaccine mandate are pushing back. To that end, they released a powerful video warning, not P&G, but all Americans, what will happen if these employees lose their jobs.

It’s unlikely that you’ve navigated through life without ever purchasing a product from P&G. Its list of products includes Charmin, Crest toothpaste, Tide laundry detergents, Gillette razors, Oral-B dental products, Tampax, Head & Shoulders shampoo, Pepto-Bismol, Pampers, and many more items that show up in most American households.

Throughout the scary first months of COVID, before it became both manageable and endemic, rather than epidemic, thousands of workers across America kept going to work to keep products on American shelves. Now, however, even without Biden’s unconstitutional OSHA mandate, most of America’s big corporations have issued vaccine mandates.

The same workers who kept America going are, therefore, facing a Hobson’s choice: (1) Take the vaccine or (2) prove to a soulless American corporation that your faith means something to you and precludes the vaccine or (3) get weekly COVID tests, an expensive, uncomfortable, time-consuming, and ultimately pointless exercise.

Many of these workers—whether because they have already had COVID, giving them natural immunity; or they oppose the vaccine on a variety of grounds; or they do not want to give up their bodily autonomy with endless tests that have dubious accuracy—are objecting. Very intelligently, they’ve made their objections public via what appears to be a professionally-produced video. To avoid repercussions, their faces are hidden, but the employees explain their long ties to P&G, the work they put in at the height of the COVID panic, and the way their employer is now forcing them to give up their principles and bodily autonomy.

If that doesn’t move you, the video makes clear that, if these workers go, consumers’ will be hit even harder with empty shelves. This time, the problem won’t be Chinese products that are stuck off the California coast. Instead, the factory slowdowns will be right here at home. Consumers may find themselves brushing their teeth with twigs and salt and boiling their clothes in lye-based soap to get them clean, as was done in the pre-modern era.

Anyone who tried to fly either Southwest or American Airlines recently understands just how powerful a threat it is when America’s workers say that they will stand on their principles against a vast, corporate conglomerate’s tyrannical dictates. If you love liberty—and you love your shampoo, toothpaste, or laundry detergent—you may want to contact Procter & Gamble directly and let it know that the information we have about COVID today makes vaccine mandates unreasonable and inconsistent with a free country.

Just FYI, here are some talking points:

  • Natural immunity is at least as robust as vaccine immunity.
  • Natural immunity may be up to 27 times more robust than vaccine immunity.
  • Statistics show that healthy, working-age people are at minimal risk from COVID.
  • Vaccinated people can transmitcatch, and die from COVID.
  • COVID deaths are most likely to occur with people who suffer from comorbidities or advanced age.
  • A recent meta-analysis showed that Ivermectin use resulted in “large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.”
  • Pfizer has a promising pill that allegedly cuts the risks of serious illness and death by 90%.

Image: P&G employee video screen grab.

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