Biden was always a fabricator

Not that it is needed, but whoops!  President Joseph R. Biden (D) proved once again that his memory — such as it is or was — is gone.  And that he is and was a...uhm...fabricator.  In other words, he makes up things to improve his image.  And then, because he said it, maybe he even believes that it is true.  Maybe.

Fabricator.  Okay, liar, suffering a psychological disorder.

At a Chanukah candle-lighting ceremony at the White House on Wednesday, Biden did it againbragging to the assembled Jewish dignitaries: 

I have known every — every prime minister well since Golda Meir, including Golda Meir.   And during the Six-Day War, I had an opportunity to — she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez, and so on and so forth.

The Six-Day War, when Israel's Muslim neighbors united, vowing to "push Israel into the sea," erupted in June 1967, when the then-24-year-old Joseph Biden was a so-so law student at Syracuse University.  The Muslim countries failed, as did their ancestors thousands of years earlier, which Chanukah celebrates.  And no, Biden — or an ancestor — wasn't a "liaison" then, either.

Oh, and by the way, although Golda Meir was not Israel's prime minister in 1967, she was in October 1973, when, once again, Israel's Muslim neighbors roared back with another bloody war beginning on the holy Jewish holiday of  Yom Kippur.  Richard Nixon (R) was president; Biden was a new senator from Delaware.  Days before the outbreak of hostilities, the U.S. Senate sent Bidennot at the invitation of Meir — to Israel for meetings with Meir, where he immediately

criticized the Nixon administration for being "dragged by Israel," complaining that it was impossible to have a real debate in the Senate about the Middle East as senators were fearful of saying things unpopular with Jewish voters.

Meir rejected Biden's call for unilateral steps, launching into a speech about the region and its problems (possibly the spiel Biden alluded to in his own comments years later).

The official added his own personal impressions regarding the young senator at the bottom of the document, saying Biden was full of respect toward the Israeli leader and repeatedly said he had come to learn, "and yet while speaking displayed a fervor and made comments that signaled his lack of diplomatic experience."


As King Solomon observed, "there is nothing new under the sun."  The French later repeated it: "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" — the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Believe President Joseph R. Biden (R) at your own risk.  But not at the risk of the USA.  Or of our friends.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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