COVID testing has become ridiculous and even counterproductive

The omicron version of COVID is so mild that it's indistinguishable from a cold.  Many people are asymptomatic.  We also know now that early COVID counts were almost certainly wrong because the dominant test used was unable to distinguish between COVID and the regular flu.  Nevertheless, Joe Biden has invested almost $140 million in a German company that will build a home-test plant in 2024.

It's no secret at this point that omicron was o-versold.  It's so negligible that many people know they have it only because they've been tested.  Even those who have symptoms feel only as if they've got a cold.  They just identify as omicron-sick.  You only need to look at the hugely different trend lines between cases and deaths to understand that omicron is a big nothing:

Indeed, omicron may or may not be extremely contagious.  That's hard to know because the CDC, after announcing that 73% of all COVID cases in America were now omicron, backtracked and now says that only 23% are, with the remainder being the delta variant.  But if these cases are the delta variant, they must be pretty darn mild if they're indistinguishable from omicron and cases are dropping.

In any event, it's entirely possible that COVID has been grossly overcounted from the beginning.  That's because it turns out that the PCR test was unable to distinguish between COVID and the flu.  Democrats insisted that the flu vanished because of the masks and social distancing, but it now appears the flu dropped off the radar because all cases were misclassified as COVID.

And of course, there's the little problem that vaccinated people are the ones most likely to get omicron.  Thankfully, they're not getting very sick, but that fact utterly destroys the narrative about the unvaccinated keeping COVID alive in America.

Currently, the only thing that's keeping COVID in the headlines is the mania for testing.  I know a woman who posts on Facebook at least once a month about getting tested.  It's not clear that she's ever been seriously symptomatic.  Instead, every sniffle or cough sends her rushing out to get a test.  The tests are a hypochondriac's dream.

Image: Home COVID test.  Freepik license.

Using as his starting point the home COVID tests that D.C. is handing out, Christopher Bedford explains why those tests are so stupid:

Staring at this kit Wednesday morning, sniffling, I thought, "Why would I do that?"

Seriously, why the hell would I do that? Do I live in Florida, where if seriously ill, I'll be given access to monoclonal antibody treatments while family, friends, and neighbors go about their lives? Do I live in Georgia or Texas, where I'd receive the same? Or Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, or Louisiana?

Or do I live in a city where the numbers will be rushed to the press, schools will be shuttered, mask mandates will be extended, new restrictions on the eternally wicked "unvaccinated" will be rolled out, and if I have a bad case I'll have to drive hours to find a pharmacy willing to fill a doctor's prescription?

The tests do nothing but allow bureaucrats and the media to keep the panic going.  It's over.

But Biden understands the continued need for panic.  That's why he just signed a deal for $137 million with a German company to build a Wisconsin factory to produce more COVID test late 2024:

The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits — but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest.

MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany's Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announced as the U.S. hit a high record of 489,267 COVID cases on Wednesday

While the contract gives the company three years to complete the facility, it is not immediately clear when it will ramp up to full production, which is expected to pump out 83.3 million tests per month.

This plan is not as stupid as it appears.  Democrats have figured out that the descendants of those Americans who fought a revolution during a smallpox epidemic, who battled through the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and both Gulf Wars; who survived journeys (voluntary or enslaved) across dangerous oceans; who lived through depressions and recessions; who traveled thousands of miles in covered wagons; and who populated a dangerous wilderness can be controlled completely if they're told they have a cold or the flu with a 1% mortality rate for people who are very old or have comorbidities.

Knowing that, if you wanted permanent political power, wouldn't you also make sure that Americans are constantly told that they're very, very sick?

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