Guess who won the Miss Universe contest this year

The Wuhan coronavirus's omicron variant and anti-Jewish/anti-Israel bigotry don't stop the important events in life, such as the Miss Universe contest, held in Israel last Sunday night.  The show must go on, and it did!  Beautifully! 

Held in Israel's southernmost city, Eilat, bordering Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia and on the Red Sea, the contestants had their fun in the sun before, during, and after the competition.  

The beauties didn't just prance around.  They did some serious, educational stuff about their countries.  

The pageant included traditional displays of national costumes, swimwear and a series of interview questions to test contestants' public speaking skills. The top 10 showed off intricately bedazzled full-length gowns in either gold, silver or bronze. The Philippines' Beatrice Luigi Gomez wore an asymmetrical cut dress with one sleeve, highlighting a new tattoo she said "celebrates her womanhood." 

Sure, master of ceremonies Steve Harvey stumbled a bit because of a mistaken cue card, announcing the wrong home country of the winner, but, professional that he is, he quickly recovered and went on with the show.

And the winner is...Miss India!

Congratulations all!  Beauty, brains, combatting difficulties, saying no to bigotry makes you all winners!

Image: Inside Edition via YouTube.

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