Kamala may not be happy to see December

The "Kamala is a problem" song is getting as repetitive as "Na na na nananana, nannana, hey Jude..."

The Democrats are in panic mode over Vice President Kamala Harris.  To say the least, many Democrats are worried about her.  Check this out from one of the papers from her old hometown:

Vice President Kamala Harris briefly absorbed presidential responsibilities Friday while President Joe Biden was under anesthesia for a routine colonoscopy.

Given the developments of the past week, it may be the only time she ever holds presidential power.

On Sunday, CNN published an explosive report on the growing tension between Biden's camp and Harris' camp, and the report dominated the Harris-related news cycle all week.

As a result, some 2024-related chatter was largely buried. Former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd — a longtime ally of Biden's who served on his vice presidential search committee — kicked things off last week by noting he's uncertain Biden seeks re-election in 2024, an admission that raised eyebrows among political reporters.

On the day the CNN report came out, Politico ran a separate story titled, "Biden-successor chatter grows and Harris isn't scaring off anyone," in which an unnamed New Hampshire Democratic operative said of Harris' primary chances, "She's definitely not going to clear the f---ing field."

Well, who knows whether she clears the 2024 field or not.  I do know that December has a recent history of confirming new vice presidents.

Check out the calendar:

Back in December 1973, Gerald Ford was confirmed as vice president.  He succeeded V.P. Spiro Agnew, who resigned over a scandal in his home state of Maryland.

Back in December 1974, Nelson Rockefeller was sworn as vice president to fill the void created by now president Ford, who assumed the office when President Nixon resigned in August.

More than likely, V.P. Harris will survive this December.  Nevertheless, they are worried at the White House that Mrs. Harris is hurting their chances in 2022 and beyond.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Image: Screen shot from SABC video, via shareable YouTube

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