The dread virus omicron

We see on the news, that the newest COVID-19 variant, Omicron, threatens healthcare Armageddon as it spreads throughout the United States. Our president is deploying medically trained National Guard troops to supplement those healthcare workers who will succumb to this deadly contagion. New York has closed much of its entertainment and remasked. There is talk throughout the country of re-imposing lockdowns. Certainly, something awful is about to happen. I can attest to this.

I am currently suffering from Omicron.

First, some background. I was infected likely with the original variant in November 2020. It was a brief illness (perhaps 48 hours). Symptoms mainly consisted of extreme fatigue but ceased rather abruptly after my first doses of hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin. I spent the remaining 10 days in isolation, essentially well.

Being that I am in healthcare, I had an early option to get vaccinated but felt, as supplies are limited, they would be better used for patients, particularly my patients who suffer from a variety of pulmonary conditions.

Later, as data came in on the unprecedented adverse effects numbers, waning effectiveness, and the power of natural immunity, I decided to forgo vaccination. I have a religious exemption from my hospital, but I am required to test frequently and mask more aggressively.

In the last week or so the Delta variant of SARS CoV2 has been essentially in the U.S. replaced the Omicron variant. Data suggests that is capable of defeating both vaccine-induced and natural immunity.

I am a 64-year-old, moderately overweight, asthmatic pulmonary and sleep physician. I’m fairly physically active and otherwise healthy. I’m certainly not in the lowest risk class for COVID-19. Since I recovered nicely from my first infection, I was not particularly fearful for the future. Given my profession, I’ve been exposed to a lot of coronavirus over the years.

Leaving work last Tuesday, I noticed an unusual amount of fatigue. Coupled with a slight bronchial irritation I’d noted earlier in the day, this prompted me to home test that evening. The test was negative. I then developed other subtle viral symptoms such as cold intolerance overnight. I tested again in the morning and was positive.

My symptoms have been those of a cold. I developed both lower and upper respiratory symptoms occluding a nonproductive cough and nasal congestion. I remain slightly fatigued. On Wednesday morning once the test was positive I took my usual vitamin D and zinc, a small dose of naproxen, and the loading dose of hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin (as I was unable to get ivermectin).

Yesterday my already mild symptoms were about 50% better. Today as I write this on Christmas Eve, I feel fine, with only a very mild residual cough remaining. Except that this is COVID, I would be looking forward to a normal festive holiday.

Now as we all know, according to Dr. Fauci, hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work, so at least for me, Omicron provoked a very mild “cold” syndrome that is resolving faster than other respiratory infections I typically encounter.

I realize that others may experience a more severe form of this. But the reports out of South Africa and Great Britain suggest that this is fairly typical.

Robert Malone, an inventor of the technology used in mRNA vaccines, has been interviewed frequently on the topic of vaccination. He recently stated essentially that omicron looks to him like a live attenuated form of SARS co-V2, that one might have developed for a vaccine.

One can make a case, that rather than locking down once again, that we ought to let Omicron flow through the population and create essentially its own booster for the patient’s current level of immunity. We could use drugs like ivermectin, and Pfizer’s new drug Paxlovid, to mitigate this variant’s already mild presentation, particularly in the more vulnerable.

But that will never happen. Big Pharma, financially entwined with the NIH and the CDC, will not permit this. It might serve to end this very profitable pandemic. They will continue to push ineffective inoculations that by any previous definition of the term vaccine have not worked. They will continue to keep us fearful and under their control.

Omicron should not create panic. In fact, it may our way out of this mess.

Henry F Smith Jr. MD FCCP is a physician who practices pulmonary and sleep medicine in the Northeastern Pennsylvania area. He blogs at

Image: Pixabay

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