The real efficacy rates of the COVID vaccines

The Biden administration and the mainstream media have been pushing a mandate of the experimental COVID vaccines for the American people.  Their talking point is that "COVID vaccines are effective and work against the pandemic."  That's not true.  I have been following the "U.K. vaccine surveillance report" since last September and have seen enough evidence about the real efficacy of the COVID vaccines to show that they're not as good as advertised. 

My last essay revealed that more vaccinated people have been using the health care system in U.K. than unvaccinated people.  Now I am going to talk about how the MSM and politicians use so-called "rates" to hide the truth and to misrepresent the actual data to further their narratives.

Here is an example of the "unadjusted rates" chart in the U.K. Vaccine Surveillance report, Week 51


The chart is very easy to read.  It shows the rate in each category of events, "COVID-19 cases by vaccination status," "COVID-19 cases presenting to emergency care (within 28 days of a positive specimen) resulting in an overnight inpatient admission by vaccination status," and "COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate."  Instead of showing actual numbers, which are the "raw data," it calculated the unadjusted rate per 100,000 people in the population, based on the vaccination status.  All the rates in each category except the cases show that the vaccinated people are doing better than unvaccinated people.

On the surface, it appears that using that unadjusted rate per 100,000 people seems fair because it compares vaccinated and unvaccinated from the same base number.  But that's a deception.  Each individual, either vaccinated or unvaccinated, are in different health conditions and live in different environments.  An individual may not be infected with COVID in one area, but he could be in the other.  That's why "real efficacy rate" should be used, especially for the comparisons of hospitalizations and deaths.  The real efficacy rate is calculated based on the number of actual infected people, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.  This can measure how many people would be preserved from hospitalization or even death after they were infected by the virus if they had been vaccinated.   

Here is an example to show why the unadjusted rate per 100,000 is deceptive if it is used for comparisons.  First, let's say in a large metropolitan area the population is 1 million people.  There were 10,000 people admitted into hospitals due to COVID infections.  The rate would be calculated as 1000 per 100,000, or 1.0%.  The second is in a less populous area with a 10,000 population, where 200 people were hospitalized.  That is translated to a rate of 2,000 per 100,000, or 2%.  So, by comparing those two rates, one would agree that the first rate is two times better than the second, blinded by the fact that 9,800 more people were in the hospitals in the first area!

Next, let's take a look at the summary I created based on the U.K. vaccine surveillance report series.  I added two highlighted columns to show what the real efficacy rate of the COVID vaccines are, along with the rates for the unvaccinated.  Actually, they look great at first glance!

The real efficacy rate for hospitalization by vaccination status is calculated by the hospital admission number divided by the infection case number.  For the Week 51 report, that's 1 - (4,027/268,654) = 0.98501, or 98.501%.  That means that the COVID vaccines prevented more than 98 people being hospitalized out of 100 who were infected.  The same can be said for the death rate, where only 1 person dies out of 100 people who were infected.

From the chart, we can also see that the unvaccinated were doing better, 99.152% and 99.796%, respectively, for Week 51, when omicron started to be dominant in the U.K.  The same is true for Week 47 and Week 45, when the delta variant was dominant.

How can the unvaccinated do better than the vaccinated?  In order to show the greatness of the COVID vaccines, they used the unadjusted rate per 100,000 people.  There is a footnote under the above chart in the Week 51 report and every other report: "Comparing case rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated populations should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection."  That is to say that "we deceived, so don't use those rates."

But I and most people are more concerned about the real effectiveness of those COVID vaccines in combatting the COVID pandemic, not artificial rates created for propaganda.  By the way, many research reports have pointed out that the efficacy rate of the COVID vaccines is quickly reduced after being administered, even dropping to negative numbers in three months after getting the third shot!

It's therefore time to stop the vaccination mandate and all the nonsense about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

Correction: 1000

Images: U.K. Health Security Agency and Andy Zhao.

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