What do the UK Vaccine Surveillance Reports tell us?

The UK Health Security Agency publishes a COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report weekly, with the latest being for Week 51. There is a great deal of information to be had by following the report, which has charts for “COVID-19 cases by vaccination status,” “COVID-19 cases presenting to emergency care (within 28 days of a positive specimen) resulting in an overnight inpatient admission by vaccination status,” and “COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate.”

For each of the above categories, there is a chart showing six types of data, including “Total,” “Unlinked,” “Not Vaccinated,” “Received one dose (1-20 days before specimen date),” “Received one dose, ≥21 days before specimen date,” and “Second dose ≥14 days before specimen date.” This gives a very clear picture of the pandemic situation in the U.K. Here is an example from the Week 51 report:

I have been following this report series since I became aware of its existence this past September. As you can see from the above example, the Weekly Report covers a time period before the week of publication. So, Week 51 report covers the data from Week 47 to Week 50, 2021.

I pulled three reports—Week 45, which covers week 41 to 44; Week 47, which covers week 43 to 46; and Week 51, which covers week 47 to week 50—so that I could see the trends in each category of three categories (Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths), according to the vaccination status. I was not surprised to learn that vaccinated people are doing worse than those unvaccinated.

Each report contains more than just “raw data.” Thus, they have various types of analysis, such as “Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and death in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.” However, I always believe that the “raw data” is much more telling than those analyses, which are likely influenced by analysts’ biases. As I see it, those analysis-generated “rates” are “derived data”; that is, produced by some models in order to make “estimates” for certain purposes. As in my previous articles, I try to interpret the raw data in the simplest way to prevent the chances of misinterpretations.

Here is my summary of the raw data from those UK reports mentioned above:

In this summary, for each of the reports, the rows use three lines to show Totals, Vaccinated, and Unvaccinated information. For the columns, I ignored the data in three types of vaccination status in the original chart in this post because those numbers are very small. Therefore, I compared only Case #, Hospitalization number, and Death within 60 days of positive COVID-19 test by date of death within the surveillance period. I also added the percentage of the total column in the above spreadsheet for clearer views.

It’s very clear to me from the summary I produced that, in the UK, from Week 41 to Week 50, vaccinated death numbers are way larger than unvaccinated ones. In the Week 51 report, vaccinated deaths outnumbered unvaccinated by 72.85% vs 23.16%. In the Week 47 report, the relative values were 78.40% vs 18.28%. And in the Week 45 report, they were 79.42% vs 17.00%.

The deaths are more than four times greater for vaccinated people. Meanwhile, the differences in hospitalizations are less extreme, but vaccinated people were still hospitalized almost two times more. Case numbers for vaccinated were larger than unvaccinated ones, except for Week 51, when a huge number of young people under the age of 18 were infected. Eliminate that age group, and the case numbers for the unvaccinated people are much smaller, as shown in the far-right column.

Image: Vaccine “against” COVID by WiR_Pixs. Pixabay license.

Here is a very important point I want to make. Each time when we’ve heard “The pandemic of the unvaccinated” from the media and politicians, we can be reasonably sure that they are not talking about the actual health of those people, for whatever reason, do not take the vaccine. Instead, they have actually been concerned about “Overwhelming the healthcare system“ with unvaccinated people. However, the raw data from the UK health systems shows that more vaccinated people than unvaccinated ones were using the healthcare system.

There is no such “raw data” available in the U.S. All we can find is some kind of rate. CDC once had a CDC MMWR report that was based on the data from 13 U.S. jurisdictions. That report stated that, once Delta appeared, vaccinated people reduced their risk of infection by five times, and both their risk of hospitalization and risk of death by more than ten times. The report acknowledges that the data from 13 jurisdictions “might not be generalizable,” and that’s true. It’s nonsense.

Nevertheless, the Mainstream Media and politicians immediately started to propagandize based on that report. Just one week later another CDC MMWR report came out and admitted that “Real-world studies of population-level vaccine effectiveness against laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 hospitalizations are limited in the United States.” Thanks to the UK Vaccine Surveillance Weekly reports, though, we can learn that the Covid-19 vaccines do not do what they were advertised.

It’s therefore time to stop the vaccination mandate and all the nonsense about a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”

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