Where are the snowless winters that have been predicted?

Over the years, we have seen many dire predictions of snowless winters.  So far, the predictions have been 100% wrong.

Top 5 failed 'snow free' and 'ice free' predictions

1.)    Scientists predicted in 2000 that kids would grow up without snow. It was 14 years ago now when UK climate scientists argued that global warming would make snowfall a "a very rare and exciting event".

2.)    It's been 10 years since scientists predicted the "end of skiing" in Scotland. An article from the UK's Guardian in 2004 quoted scientists and environmentalists predicting the demise of Scotland's winter sports industry, including more remarks from Dr. David Viner, who had already predicted the end of snow in Britain.

3.)    The Arctic would be "ice-free" by now. "Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years," Gore said in 2008. But in 2013, Arctic sea ice coverage was up 50 percent from 2012 levels.

4.)    Environmentalists predicted the end of spring snowfall. In March 2013, the Union of Concerned Scientists predicted that warmer springs would mean declines in snow cover.

5.)    The end of skiing. Ski towns across the country were worried about their prospects when temperatures temporarily rose up into 50s and 60s in early February. Scientists were fanning the flames by predicting that winter towns could see more hardships ahead due to global warming.

For decades, we have seen predictions that ice would soon be gone, and coastal cities would be flooded.  ABC ran a report to scare the public in 2008.  Manhattan would be under water by 2015 because the ice in the Arctic would be melted.  The report was 100% wrong. 

ABC's 2008 Prediction: New York Under Water From Climate Change By June 2015

Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.

The segment included supposedly prophetic videos, such as a teenager declaring, "It's June 8th, 2015. One carton of milk is $12.99." (On the actual June 8, 2015, a gallon of milk cost, on average, $3.39.) Another clip featured this prediction for the current year: "Gas reached over $9 a gallon." (In reality, gas costs an average of $2.75.)

On June 12, 2008, correspondent Bob Woodruff revealed that the program "puts participants in the future and asks them to report back about what it is like to live in this future world. The first stop is the year 2015."

As one expert warns that in 2015 the sea level will rise quickly, a visual shows New York City being engulfed by water.

Not deterred by their previous fictional dire predictions, ABC ran a series of reports in November about the existential threat of climate change.  These reports were done in conjunction with the gabfest in Glasgow, where hundreds of private jets were flown in to show how much people cared about their carbon footprint. 

ABC News Plans Climate Change Coverage Push (Exclusive)

The network will report from all seven continents in November and create a new climate-focused production unit in news expansion.

In early December, reports came out warning that mountains in the western United States may be snowless in 35 to 60 years.  None of these predictions is based on scientific data, but the media just keep repeating them as if they were. 

Snow may vanish for years at a time in Mountain West with climate warming

Study warns of impending water supply problems due to nearly snowless mountains in about 35 to 60 years

It must be disappointing to the climate change fear-mongers when the climate doesn't cooperate with their dire predictions. 

In Sierra Nevada this year, they are seeing record snowfalls.  Over 200 inches by December 28.  The report from CNN says that is not enough.  There are predictions of less severe storms later this winter.  I bet the predictors did not make accurate predictions for December, so why are the future forecasts to be believed? 

The most humorous sentence in this article is "If we don't get another inch, we're still below what we would expect for the entire winter, which means that we can contribute to the drought rather than resolving it."

Is there much likelihood that the snow would completely stop for the rest of the winter?

The nearly 17 feet of snow in California's Sierra Nevada is crushing records. It's still not enough

As of Tuesday, more than 202 inches of snow — nearly 17 feet (5.2 meters) — had fallen so far this month at the University of California, Berkeley's Central Sierra Snow Laboratory, at Donner Pass east of Sacramento.

Scientists at the lab said this month is now the snowiest December on record for the location and the third snowiest month overall. The top month was January 2017 when 238 inches (6 meters) fell, and it's not likely enough snow will fall in the next three days to challenge that record. Records here go back to 1970.

While this event has been amazing so far, we are really concerned about the upcoming months not having as many storms," Schwartz told CNN. "If we don't get another inch, we're still below what we would expect for the entire winter, which means that we can contribute to the drought rather than resolving it."

Aaron Rodgers shows that he is brighter than most journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, and entertainers.  He said that if you are told you can't question science, it is pure propaganda.  That is the case whether he is talking about the climate or anything coming out of Fauci's mouth.

Social Media Reacts To Aaron Rodgers Saying Science Becomes 'Propaganda' If It Can't Be Questioned

Here are some scientific facts:

The climate has always changed cyclically and naturally.

We have always had and always will have contagious viruses. 

We have never had a vaccine that protects against the common cold, which is what omicron is like. 

Each year, the people in the United State suffer around one billion common colds.  I don't recall people standing in lines in the cold to get tests for those.  I believe they have gone to buy cold medicine. 

In the course of a year, individuals in the United States suffer 1 billion colds, according to some estimates. Adults average about two to four colds a year, although the range varies widely. Women, especially those aged 20 to 30 years, have more colds than men.

I hope the people get over the fear that is spread each day by journalists in collusion with tyrannical politicians and bureaucrats who seek to greatly reduce our freedoms and destroy our economy.  Common sense seems to be in short supply.

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