Biden is coming to Pittsburgh

President Biden comes here to Pittsburgh today, bringing with him the latest "crisis" he promises to "shut down." 

This time Biden won't be promising to eliminate deaths from COVID.  He plans to do one better: to "eventually eliminate traffic deaths."  He was going to "cure cancer" a while back, but no word on that lately.

And the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Ed Blazina has nicely laid the groundwork with a series of lead-up pieces that tells how the president plans to do it.  Yesterday's, and one on Jan. 14, touts Transportation Pete's, new "five-step program ... to reduce an unexpected spike in traffic deaths during the pandemic ... called the National Roadway Safety Strategy."  And the other, on Jan. 14, announced that "Pennsylvania ... will receive an additional $1.63 billion in federal funds over the next five years to help fix" bridges.

Blazina's prose wasn't as eloquent as the words he could have used if they weren't already taken:

Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight. Every valley shall be filled. And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight. And the rough ways smooth; And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. (Luke 3:4-6)

Expect Joe to parrot these same talking points, especially about how he's going to "eventually eliminate traffic deaths."

But, as they say, "they got the job done."  You don't have to try too hard to excite the fancies of a heavily Democrat stronghold as Pittsburgh.

In a way, it's of little surprise, really, that Joe would choose to come to Pittsburgh, the "City of Bridges," to give a test run of his "Building Back Better."  Actually, he should have come here much sooner.

After a year that can only be characterized as Biden's Big Blunders, learning to drive Pittsburgh's steep, hilly terrain and narrow, blind, hair-pin curves, with all its missing street signs and potholes, would be perfect practice for what would be Joe's ride thus far as president.  After all, we do have a saying in Pittsburgh: "If you can drive here, you can drive anywhere."  I suppose this even goes for Pennsylvania Avenue.

Despite being garage-kept during the campaign, a smooth midnight ride to the office, a full tank of Democrats in the House and Senate, and the Legacy Media's pressing his pedal to the metal, it's been nothing but one fender-bender after another, including one major fatal collision in Afghanistan, for President Corn Pop.

Americans might have taken the DNC's insistence that Joe remain garaged in his basement during the campaign as an advance severe weather forecast, with the treacherous roads to follow.  Had the people been able to have taken him for an actual test ride, they would've quickly discovered they were getting behind the wheel of a lemon and quickly realized that this model would likely cause them trillions in repair costs, would always be in the shop.

But just in case Democrat Ed Gainey, Pittsburgh's newly elected, first African-American mayor, needed any more headaches, or if his constituents needed any more reminders, on the morning of his first time hosting a presidential visit, a bridge falling down in Pittsburgh's east end should be more than telling enough of what the 87 years since Pittsburgh's last Republican mayor has meant for the condition of the city's bridges.

The people of Pittsburgh know a little about bridges to nowhere, and they know enough to understand that Biden's plan is never going to get them where they need to go.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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