Chicago is #1 — and we mean homicides

Up in Chicago, the news about homicides is not good.  This is a report from John Boch:  

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot might not have shouted “We’re Number One!” while pumping her fist as the clock struck midnight last night. However under her leadership, the Windy City easily clinched the top spot for most homicides of any American city. In fact, it wasn’t even close.

Hey Jackass had the tentative numbers this morning: 842 homicides committed in Chicago city limits. That number reflects a 6% higher body count than 2020. The tally still remains preliminary as additional victims could still surface or wounded parties may succumb to their injuries.

Sadly, Hey Jackass writes about how the numbers oftentimes slowly continue to rise even after the clock strikes midnight.

We will wait for the final reports but it's a bad number.

A Chicago friend told me that the crime is primarily in one part of town.  What he meant to say is that most people in Chicago are not impacted by these weekend massacres.

No matter what, it raises two questions:   When is the mayor going to do something?  When is the governor going to get involved? Furthermore, where is President Biden? How can the President of the U.S. allow for a major city to be overrun by crime, especially the weekly murders in the African American community?  I guess that these black lives don't matter.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

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