Kamala Harris off to Honduras: What could go wrong?

Kamala Harris is going abroad again.

This time, she's upping her game a little from her last one, the Paris shopping trip, and now heading to Honduras, where plenty is at stake.

Arriving on Jan. 27 or so, she will meet the new Honduran president, who's a historic "first," a female president, which will provide plenty of grist for the Kamala identity politics mill, which interests her more than the border surge.  She'll talk about "firsts" and then at some point get to "root causes" of illegal immigration as if that information were not already available in some place like Yuma, Arizona, where the latest surge is surging.  Instead of going to that un-romantic place with no red carpets and saluting military men, or some other U.S. border point of entry, she'll do her happy hunting for those "root causes" from a cosseted former first lady of a leftist stripe who's since been elected president.  She's likely to get into some kind of trouble, given whom she's getting involved with.

Who is Xiomara Castro, the about-to-be sworn-in new president of Honduras?  None other than the wife and second cousin of "Cowboy Hat," former Honduran president Mel Zelaya, with that "Mel" short for "Little Melon" — remember him?  He was the former wannabe Hugo Chávez who got booted from the presidency in 2009 on orders from the Honduran Supreme Court.  Zelaya broke the law regarding an illegal "poll" he was conducting with the Venezuelan military's "help" and, when ordered by the Court to stop, didn't.  The Court recognized what he was doing as a disguised bid to scrap the country's constitution through a phony coerced poll in order to replace it with a Hugo Chávez-style alternative.  Zelaya wanted to join the club and have the same things Hugo had.  After he ignored the Court, the Court ordered him out, and he got rousted from his sleep by the Honduran military acting on orders from the High Court and Legislature, which forced him onto an airplane to Costa Rica "in his pajamas."  (A State Department official told me that actually, he was buck naked, so somebody put some kind of clothes on him.)  The global left yelled "coup," but the word on the street in Honduras was that it was not a coup, based on the number of law-abiding Hondurans who came out to support and celebrate the ouster.  Zelaya tried to rouse a revolt from his asylum in the Brazilian embassy, but no one took him up on it.  After that, he claimed that the Israelis were doing radar experiments on him or something.  He eventually fled to the Dominican Republic, where he ran out on his hotel tab before returning to Honduras, leaving the D.R. to pay the bill.  Chávez adored the mustachioed, cowboy-booted dictator wannabe, calling him "Comandante Vaquero."

Zelaya's never regained power since, given what a horrible president he was, but now the wifey has managed to the top spot, in the same way as the leftist clown show in Argentina and to a certain extent Nicaragua.  Hillary Clinton, of course, looked at the whole thing as a how-to guide but wasn't as successful as Señora Zelaya.

So now it's Kamala and Zelaya's wife, the latter of whom got herself elected to the office only because the alternative was so gamy.  The previous Honduran president had a drug-dealer brother on one of the Treasury Department's bad lists doing a stretch in jail.  The Honduran president himself was implicated in the dealing, too, so to Hondurans, it was a choice of the lefty wife or the dopers, and yes, they chose poorly, because now they've gotten something worse: a communist who is sure to leave the country poorer and more miserable, with its nationals even more inclined to join the ranks of illegal aliens flooding our border.

That's kind of the idea, from Kamala's point of view.  The more illegals hitting the U.S., the better. They might even get along famously, assuming Castro can deal with the giggling.  Harris is likely to bring in her public-private corporate interests, nearly all of which are there not to create jobs, but to make the prospect of becoming an illegal alien in the States easier.  Bank transfer services, an English language learning app, advisers on starting bi-country businesses, a slew of them that foster illegality in the states are to be among her offerings.  Very little of what she is bringing with her is commonly called "jobs" at newly built factory-type establishments where investors lay down money and hire locals.  With a socialist in there now, these business investments may not happen at all, given the socialist tendency to demonize, tax, blame, and expropriate private enterprises.

Another issue that could come up is recognition of China.  Right now, Honduras recognizes Taiwan, but Castro has talked up moving the recognition to China.  After all, if China is going to take over Taiwan, it might make sense to take the Chinese penny or whatever the ChiComs are incentivizing before there's no choice in the matter.  Taiwan could use a friend right now, and Taiwan has been a faithful friend of Honduras over the years.  Harris should be pressuring Honduras to stick with Taiwan.  But that might be over her head geo-strategically, and in any case, she's not very persuasive.

As for "solve the border crisis"?  Very unlikely that will happen.  Harris, after all, has been cut out of key meetings with Mexico that included White House officials and Cabinet heavyweights.  She was likely disinvited from them because she was the one who announced them.  I wrote about that here.

Will she accomplish anything good for America with this meeting with the far-left former Honduran first lady?  Very dubious.  More likely, the move is a bid to shore up Harris's stature and falling poll numbers.  Don't look to any root causes to be identified in this meeting — most likely, the fawning media and the Harris public relations teams will hail the first female vice president of the U.S. meeting with the first female president of Honduras.  It will be the politics of symbolism at best, and more border surges and geostrategic manglings at worst.

Image: Twitter screen shot.

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