Stacey wasn't there

How bad are things going for President Biden? The answer is "pretty bad."

We just learned that Stacey Abrams didn't join the president in Georgia for his big speech on what he claimed were voting rights.

This is the story that alerted us:

Republicans seized on a report that Stacey Abrams, the influential Georgia Democrat and gubernatorial candidate, will miss President Biden’s important voting rights speech Tuesday due to a scheduling conflict.

"There’s bad, and then there’s ‘Gubernatorial candidate in a state you carried cancels on you’ bad,’" Ben Williamson, an adviser for former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows tweeted.

He retweeted a post from New York Times reporter Nick Coransanti, who cited an Abrams aide. The reason for the scheduling conflict was not clear. An Abrams aide confirmed reports and told Fox News she has a conflict but expressed the candidate's support of the president.

And sure enough, she never showed. When asked about it by a reporter, Joe Biden flew off the handle at the reporter, saying he felt "insulted"by the very question. He claimed to be great pals with Abrams.

So what's the problem?

Maybe Miss Abrams had better things to do, such as celebrating Georgia's victory over Alabama. It's a good reason, but that parade is not today.

Maybe Miss Abrams got stuck somewhere because of all the canceled flights; perhaps that was the claimed scheduling conflict.

Or maybe Miss Abrams was watching the president's approval rates and would rather skip the speech. You know that President Biden is in trouble when his best polls are the ones based on "adults" rather than likely or registered voters.

The real story here is that President Biden is a liability. Imagine what the Senators from Nevada and Arizona must be thinking about this. Don't expect an invitation to the president or vice president to those

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Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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