'There ain't no way to hide their lyin' eyes...'

Critical Race Theory, CRT, is being injected into the narrative of what America is through the educational system, through the government bureaucracy, and even through some very large corporations.  

We must take a stand against it and illuminate the truth rather than the Marxist lies which it tries to promote. 

 One overwhelming truth that seems to be overlooked is that America began its attempt to end slavery, shortly, within 90 years, of its founding.  The Civil War was fought not only for economic reasons but for philosophical reasons.  Our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence are the guidelines, the pursuit of which, that have allowed America to become the beacon of light and hope that it is to the world.  

It is long past time that Americans look at the racial situation in our country and call it out for what it actually is. If one were to peruse the headlines, one might reasonably come to the conclusion that America is an evil, hateful, country with no right to a place on the world stage, that it occupies no moral high ground, and that something about it needs to fundamentally change.  

You would think that America is a hellhole for people of color and any minority that anyone would care to designate as such.  One would think that the oppressed blacks, women, gays and sexually unique, handicapped, poor, and just plain different are living in an America that hates them just because they are different.  

One might think that the police are an evil group searching for people to harass and sometimes kill because they belong to a hated group.  One could come to these conclusions, but, one could not be more wrong.  

Turn for a moment and look not at the news headlines, but at our day-to-day ordinary lives.  

I see a very different picture.  I see a picture more akin to the Louis Armstrong or Ray Charles vision in the song “What a Wonderful World.”  Listen to it.  It will make you feel good.  

Why such a dichotomy?  Why such a different vision?  

When police attempt to solve a crime, one of the things they do is try to figure out “who benefits” from whatever it is that has happened which cannot be proven or explained.  Let’s try to ask the same question about the situation in America.  

Why do my own eyes see such a very different world than the media and certain political leaders?  Well, if you take the Ray Charles- Louis Armstrong version, the people benefit.  All the people benefit.  They see themselves living in a “wonderful world.”  A world where people get along, wish each other well, show love and respect, and are generally content.   Everyone wins. 

Let’s turn now to the other view of the U.S.  That is the view that the media and politicians want us to embrace.  Whites hate and want to suppress blacks, men hate and want to subjugate women, police surveil our neighborhoods looking to arrest or kill innocent civilians.  America is at its roots racist and hateful and must embrace Critical Race Theory.  The world is awful and something must be done about it.  

Who benefits from this viewpoint?  Clearly, not everyone wins.  Mostly, everyone loses.  Everyone, that is, except the elites and the government.

It seems only logical that with all this hate and abuse in our country, something needs to be done.  Justice must be obtained.  Oppressed groups must be protected.  Who can better level the playing field, protect those in need of protection and address all the injustices, than big government?  A big government growing more and more intrusive in our lives.  A big government telling us where to live, where to go to school, what to build, whom to hire, whom to promote, whom to push ahead, whom to punish.  The elites get to advise and shape the power of big government.  They get to feel good about saving those who cannot save themselves.  What a “wonderful world” For Them.

What can we do?  We can pull back the curtain on those who benefit from presenting America as a dreadful place to live.  Take a step back, block out the blare of the media and look at the world as we, ourselves, see it.  

It is time to end this false narrative of America,  It is time to speak out against the lies even at the risk of being called racist. 

Does some racism exist in America?  Sure.  You cannot expect to gather a group of 330 million people and have all of them be saints.  There are some bad actors and there always will be. But, the dialogue about race in America has turned into nonsense.  Everyone knows it.  Everyone is afraid to speak out against it.  And, it is time to believe your own lying eyes.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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