Another day and another bad Biden poll

In baseball, they call it a bad streak, like the 1988 Baltimore Orioles starting the season 0-20.  Yes, I mean losing their first 20 games.  At one point, my late father said something about "the law of averages." 

They finally won their first game after losing 20 in a row.  They finished 57-105 that year, or, things did not really get any better after the terrible start.

Maybe we will call President Biden the political version of the 1988 Orioles.  So far, President Biden keeps losing support.  It's so bad that 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president.

How low can you go?  The poll goes on to say Putin saw a weak president and decided to invade Ukraine.  Fair or unfair, that's the way it is.

The latest three presidential approval polls continue the downtrend started since last summer: ABC at 38%, Harvard-Harris at 38%, and NPR at 40%.

Can President Biden turn this around?  Well, you never say never in politics.  After all, the GOP could blow the golden opportunity ahead of them.  Or they could get obsessed with 2020 recounts rather than getting some tangible things done, like school choice.

President Biden's problem is that an impression has been created: the weak leader whom we don't see after 5 P.M.  Or the leader who lets the party's left wing put the talking points in the teleprompter. 

Americans don't sense that Biden is in charge or physically up to the job.

The result is bad polls and more polls.  We are not seeing the "rally around the president" during an international crisis.  Instead, Americans are saying President Biden's weakness invited the crisis.

Did I tell you paid $3.45 for a gallon of gasoline in Texas?  Yes, Biden did that, too.

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of Pixabay, Pixabay License image, and official photo.

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