Dr. Ben Carson: Throw out the politics to beat COVID

Dr. Ben Carson has a strategy to quickly convert the COVID-19 pandemic to endemic.  Carson offered his laser-focused and quite simple five-word proposal in an Epoch Times interview: "Let's throw the politics out."

Since politicians are supposed to represent We the People, and since they have not yet solved the problem, don't you think it's about time they tried something different? 

Dr. Carson studied the effectiveness of battling COVID-19 in countries where they had very low COVID-19 infections and in some surprising locations.

"Let's look at the fact that on the western coast of Africa, there's almost no COVID.  And let's ask ourselves, why is that?  And then you see, it's because they take antimalarials, particularly hydroxychloroquine."  He added that we should be using every tool available to us to fight the pandemic, including therapeutics that had been swept off the table.

But the current system requires an order to get an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) to try effective alternative measures.  Dr. Carson calls that a defect in our system, and I agree.  "I think a lot of people died unnecessarily because we had that attitude," said Carson.

As for the effectiveness of vaccines, Carson added, "A lot of people who probably should be vaccinated are not doing it because they see these inconsistencies, these things that make absolutely no sense.  So this demand that everybody get a vaccination, except if you're coming across the southern border illegally, then it's not all that important."

One of the most significant inconsistencies is the seemingly relentless push for mandated vaccines against the current omicron variant when the vaccines are not very effective against this mutation.  Yet, in third-world West Africa, the rate of COVID infections of any strain is extremely low, compared to our first-world republic using our current health system.

So if the current vaccines are effective against the old COVID strains and not largely effective against the omicron mutation, why are politicians still pushing hard for total vaccinations against a nearly nonexistent pathogen?  Because they're politicians.

Let's leave the politics and give the people the choice of medical modalities.  That's also the opinion of Michael Letts, founder of InVest USA, a charity providing bulletproof vests to police officers.  His editorial in the Washington Examiner predicted how New York City mayor Bill de Blasio's vaccine mandate for police would lead to rising crime in the city.

Unfortunately, Letts was correct.  The crime statistics are in, and crime was up in NYC.  But why should that surprise anyone other than the politicians?

Let's leave politics out of health care and allow Americans to use medical treatments that are successful elsewhere in third-world nations that are so poor that they have to make do with fewer politicians.  Now that sounds like a cure for more than just COVID.

Robert Workman has written thousands of articles for publications, including AOL GameDaily.  He enjoys writing about people actively engaging in efforts to help our communities. 

CONTACT: Jerry McGlothlin 919-437-0001 jerry@specialguests.com

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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