Faucicated — and other necessary words

Moving into 2022, there are six words that need to be added to the dictionary to serve as a permanent reminder and warning to future generations as to the tyranny inflicted upon the citizenry in the name of quashing COVID-19.  

When people think of the response to COVID-19, they think of Anthony Fauci — "Fauci" means "sickle" in Italian and makes for a good word at the root of this man-made disaster, which leads to the first word:

Faucicated: having been educated well beyond one's actual abilities while remaining oblivious to that fact.

"unfortunately, a faucicated bureaucrat has been leading the U.S. response to a pandemic"

"to avoid becoming faucicated, perhaps young Tony should choose to attend trade school over medical school"

synonyms: midwit

Fauciganda: information of a biased or wildly misleading nature, used to promote public fear and unquestioning compliance with authority during any declared health emergency.

"in order to maintain control over the public, the mainstream media, health bureaucrats, and politicians cranked up the fauciganda to level thirteen and have maintained that level for nearly two years"

"if a Karen is reciting fauciganda while walking in a forest and no one is around to see her, is she still wagging her finger and wearing a mask?"

synonyms: "COVID news" from any of the following: CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, etc.

Fauciot: a "correct-thinking" stupid person who thinks he is smart and is confident that everyone else believes he is as smart as he knows he is.

"Eric Swalwell was forced to relinquish his title of fauciot poster-boy to Sonia Sotomayor when she claimed that over 100 thousand children were hospitalized with COVID-19"

"it's better for Brian Stelter to be thought a fauciot by people than to show up to work each day and prove them right"

synonyms: Fredo, Sean Penn, John F. Kerry

Faucicrisy: claiming to have moral standards or beliefs based upon "settled science" to which one's own behavior does not conform.

"AOC claims she did not engage in faucicrisy for going maskless in Florida during the 'winter of death,' and that those who say she did are only interested in dating her"

"anti-gun zealot Alec Baldwin, a known fauciot, killed a woman and seriously injured a man with a 'prop gun' on a movie set, but if he wasn't wearing a mask when he pulled the trigger, that would be blatant faucicrisy"

synonyms: Al Gore

Faucichosis: a temporary (hopefully) mental disorder in which rational thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with scientific reality.

"despite growing evidence of vaccine injury in others, Dr. Dapper says 14-year-old Johnny's heart attack was caused by 'post pandemic stress disorder' and refuses to even consider the mRNA injection as a cause, showing that Dr. Dapper may be suffering from faucichosis"

synonyms: Greta Thunberg (the religion, not the person)

Fauciopath: a person in the medical profession with a personality disorder who possesses an enduring pattern of behavior characterized by disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others, for personal gain.

"it's clear that the former team doctor for the U.S. women's gymnastics team, Larry Nassar, is a fauciopath for using his position of power to justify the rape of girls and young women as 'treatments' — in the name of science"

"you might be a fauciopath if you'd allow yourself to be graced upon the cover of In Style magazine during a pandemic you were failing to manage, while flip-flopping on the 'science,' and actively suppressing potentially effective early treatments for a virus that you had a hand in funding the creation of"

synonyms: Josef Mengele

Sadly, the crafting of these words should be totally unnecessary, as this pandemic should have been handled like every other.

Scott Free is a pseudonym that is being used for obvious reasons.

Image: Alex Brown.

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