Justin the woke Canadian

Normally, we talk about the Canadian hockey team or their ice skating couples in the Olympics.  Our friends up north are usually good at those activities.  Who knew we'd be talking about truckers or a prime minister saying conservatives are hanging around with swastikas or Confederate flags?  The wokes are as predictable as an Annette Funicello movie.

What's happening up north is this:

First, P.M. Justin Trudeau is having a panic attack.  He doesn't know how to handle a crisis.  He should have sat down with these truckers two weeks ago and shown some respect.

Second, P.M. Trudeau and the "wokes" down here are just showing us what they think of their critics, as Tom Slater wrote:

We need new political labels. That much has become clear amid Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau's crackdown on the truckers' revolt — the now weeks-long protests by truckers and their supporters, in Ottawa and elsewhere, against Covid vaccine mandates.

This week, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, for the first time in the law's history, allowing banks to freeze the accounts of anyone associated with the protests with no need for court orders. Deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland added that the government was expanding rules on 'terrorist financing' to cover cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding sites. The vehicle insurance of anyone involved in the protests can also now be suspended, and police have been given new powers to imprison or fine protesters.

As disruptive as some of the truckers' tactics are — the point of protest, after all, is to cause disruption — this is a remarkably authoritarian move, made by a 'liberal' prime minister desperately trying to defend his authoritarian Covid policies. 

To be fair, I do not support blocking bridges or disrupting trade routes.  At the same time. most of the truckers were not doing that.  Most of them were just protesting their opposition to the mandates.  I did not see police cars burning or businesses torched.

The truckers have succeeded in having provinces change their rules.  It's only a matter of time before Trudeau starts following the "political" science like his Democrat allies down here.

PS: You can listen to my podcasts (Canto Talk).

Image: 2017 Canada Summer Games.

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