Leftists are very confused about the signs of intelligence

Auguste Mayrat, writing in The American Spectator, does a great job dismantling the arguments of an article in The Atlantic by David Graham.  The basic premise of Graham’s article is that everyone who graduates from an Ivy League university is smart, but such graduates like Ron DeSantis, who advocate for conservative policies, are dishonest. Smart people who disagree with leftists can't be genuine.

Essentially, anyone who disagrees with leftists must be either stupid or dishonest. This sentence sums up the idiot’s thoughts:

There’s just no way such educated people would actually believe what they’re pushing.

Leftists can't stand debate or analysis of their policies, so they resort to acting like children as they seek to destroy and silence their opponents. They call us names. We are stupid, dishonest, right-wing extremists, racists, and climate change deniers. They just repeat talking points. Results and facts haven't mattered for a long time, only power for leftists. The purpose of the destruction and name-calling is to mislead the public and influence elections.

We are lucky that some graduates have survived the leftist indoctrination at high-cost institutions, being taught by high-salaried leftists, like fake Indian Elizabeth Warren, and are still able to independently think, research, and analyze. America would have already collapsed from within if we didn't have independent thinkers. 

The Left’s Anti-Intellectual Problem

A recent hit piece in the Atlantic is a classic example of progressive projection.

Last week in the Atlantic, David Graham took aim at smart conservative politicians who play dumb. He declares at the beginning of his piece, “This is the age of smart politicians pretending to be stupid.” As evidence, he mainly cites Gov. Ron DeSantis, senatorial candidates J.D. Vance and Eric Greitens, and Sen. Josh Hawley.

Graham argues that these men belie their impressive degrees from Ivy League universities by aligning themselves with the populist conservative movement in some capacity. DeSantis does not brag about COVID booster shots, Vance is critical of China and globalism, and Greitens and Hawley have doubts about the 2020 election. Surely, according to Graham, these must be poses to win over Trump supporters, not sincere positions stemming from valid objections. There’s just no way such educated people would actually believe what they’re pushing.

Is it smart or honest:

  • To seek to move from capitalism to big government socialism when socialism has failed throughout history?
  • To seek to raise tax rates when lower rates have raised substantially more money and achieved greater growth and to continually lie that the tax rate cuts have cost trillions?
  • To support getting rid of policies that reduced poverty to record low levels and which were raising everyone up, especially minorities and those at the bottom of the economic scale?
  • To spend huge amounts of borrowed money, add regulations and mandates, and then blame others for rampant inflation?
  • To send a message to the world that we will destroy the oil industry and then blame others for massively higher energy prices?
  • To understand that if there is no scientific data to show a correlation between fossil fuel use and temperatures that there is no causation?
  • To live in mansions, own yachts, and fly in private planes, like Jeff Bezos, and really believe that fossil fuels are destroying the planet?  Why would they buy this stuff if they believed fossil fuels were killing us? Would they invest in stuff that would be worthless if the policies they support were implemented? Why should any of us believe Gates, Obama, Kerry, Zuckerberg, or anyone else flying in private jets and buying expensive coastal properties are honest or smart?
  • To claim that a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan is a raging success because we happened to load a lot of unvetted people onto planes?
  • To elect DA's, supported by George Soros, who don't believe criminals should be in jail and then claim that guns are responsible for increasing crime instead of the lenient prosecutors?
  • To require photo IDs to get vaccines, to open bank accounts, to go into government buildings, and many other things but claim that requiring them to vote is racist?
  • To know that many election officials violated election laws in 2020 but claim that there is nothing to look at?
  • To continually claim that a protest is an armed insurrection when there were no weapons while supporting violent riots where people were killed and injured, and towns were destroyed? Some supposedly “smart” people called those peaceful protests.
  • To refuse to enforce immigration laws at federal and local levels and then claim you have no idea why so many people are coming illegally from around the world or blaming others for the rampant drug overdoses and human smuggling?
  • To know that states without mask mandates have done as well or better than states with the mandates and still mandate the masks and claim they are the solution?
  • To bury the report from John Hopkins that says lockdowns and mandates have done little good?
  • To know that vaccines don't stop the virus but still threaten to fire people that don't get them?
  • To support a Presidential candidate who basically remained in the basement and pretended that he was moderate?
  • To continually bury truthful reports on the Biden family corruption? Is it any wonder that we have so much corruption when highly educated "smart" people knowingly support the corrupt people for President?
  • To run a fake story about Trump ignoring bounties from Russia in The Atlantic while they campaigned for Biden?

Is there anything smart or honest about media outlets running fake stories about Russian collusion for years as they campaigned for corrupt Hillary and Joe?

How many COVID deaths and cases have been caused now and in the future by supposedly “smart” journalists, bureaucrats, and others by claiming that looking into the Wuhan lab as the source of the virus was an unproven conspiracy?  China is very appreciative of the support of so many “smart” people.

Is it ever smart to just repeat talking points instead of debating, doing research, and asking questions?

I would rather be governed by people with less formal education than highly educated indoctrinated people who have no common sense and brag about how smart they are.

William Buckley said it best:

“I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory,” he said, “than by the Harvard University faculty.”

Results never matter to leftists, only more power.

Thank goodness so many stupid and dishonest people are out there fighting them every day.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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